chapter4: Worst night of my life.

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At the apartment that y/n and his family lived at we see y/n laying on his side on a sofa but suddenly he got pulled in a call with the doctor that helped Gloria and David.

Call start

Doctor: Mr. Martinez It pains me to say this but, Gloria's condition has worsened.

Y/n sat up straight on the couch if one were to look on his eyes they'd see multiple emotions roaming around.

Y/n: You said she was getting better!

Doctor: She was, but her body has been through so much stress mostly from her overworking herself so much.

Y/n: Is David ok?

Doctor: David is perfectly fine, he's next to Gloria as we speak.

Y/n: That's good at least.

Doctor: You should say goodbye to her while you still can.

Call end

Y/n launched himself off the couch and grabbed a jacket as he ran out the door.

Never in his life has he ran so fast to a hospital to the point he even used his sandevistan to get there even faster.

About ten minutes later we see y/n and David looking at Gloria who's skin was extremely pale as she slept on the hospital bed.

Y/n: Dammit.

Y/n wanted to blame David for putting stress on her for having to pay for the things he's done but he knew it wasn't just David's fault but his own as well.

David: Mom. . . .

Y/n: Don't bother returning to school David I'm pulling you out.

David: What?! But mom wanted me to-

Y/n: Mom is basically dead! She's going to die David! The only reason why you were in arasaka was because she wanted you to be at the top! I've been there it's not what she thinks it is but I let her live in the belief that if you graduated then we'd all be happy. You'll get job opportunities that's true but none of them would fit how you want to live your life. All that school is doing is draining money from our pockets.

David: Hey who are you to make decisions for me?!

Y/n: I am your older brother, I am your legal guardian now that mom is comatose, so you will listen to what I say!

David glared at y/n and pushed his older brother into the wall before running out the room leaving a saddened y/n who fell to his knees next to Gloria's bed.

Y/n: Mom, I cant do this without you, I can't lose you now. . . . . You can't do this to me and Davey . . . . please come back.

Y/n reached a hand to Gloria's cheek and felt her warmth but the sound of a long beep got his attention making him look towards the heart monitor only to tears to flood his eyelids when he saw it flat lining.

Y/n: Hey! Mom! Wake up! Nurse! Doctor somebody! Help!

The room was almost instantly flooded with doctors and nurses that pushed y/n out the room.

Y/n: What the hell?! Let me stay!

Nurse: Sir we need to wait out here you'll just get in the way we need to try to resuscitate her.

The door was slammed on y/n's face and through the glass pane on the door y/n could only watch as the doctors and nurses tried to bring Gloria back.


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