2021 and the first scare

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Abu Dhabi had just finished when Charles and Carlos made their way to their media dutties.
They tried to finish them as fast as they could to go back to the hotel and finaly be with eachother.

Carlos went to his hotel room and stayed there waitting for Charles.
Charles knoked on the door some minutes after and Carlos quickly rushed to open the door.

They started talking about the race and planed somethings they wanted to do on the wintet break.
They were making out when they heard a knock on the door.

Charles quickly went to hide in the bathroom while Carlos went to open the door.

"Mattia what are you doing here?"
"Wanted to ask if you were going to celebrate"
"No I'm tired sorry"
"No problem bye"

Charles came out of the bathroom when Carlos closed the door.

"We have to be a little bit more carefull next time. We almost get caught by Mattia"
"Yeah I guess we do"

That didn't stop them to go back to what they were doing before their team boss knoked on the door.

The next day the took the first flight to Spain once they landed in Spain Charles was nervous and Carlos noticed it.

"What's wrong cariño?"
"What if your family don't like me? Or worst what if they think I'm ugly? Or not enought for you? Or-"
"Cariño you're overthinking again. I don't care if they think something like that I love you and they can't change that"
"I love you too"

Once the conversation ended Carlos started the car to drive to his family's house.


First chapter. Hope you like it.

Bye :)

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