Spanish Football and Christmas

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Charles' POV:

Today Carlos had told me something about a football match or something like that and that everyone was going to watch it in the living room.

It's not the first time I watch football with Carlos but I don't know how this will go with all his family and my family in the same house.

Anyway they were preparing everything for the match and I think this is going to go wrong.

Meanwhile I was answering a few things the team send to me and Carlos, yes I was talking for the both of us trying that it sounded like Carlos who was writing his part instead of me.

When I finished and got downstairs I saw how all the food was in the table in the living room, everyone was sitting on the couch or on the floor and they were searching in the TV where we could see the match.

"Charlie come here!"

I went to where Carlos was and sat next to him.

"What are we watching Carlitos?"
"Athletic against Real Madrid!"
"Oh okay!"

I know how much Carlos loves Real Madrid so I know this is going to be a full "shouting at the TV because the referee is stupid" time.

The match started and not even 3 minutes through it Real Madrid had already scored, Benzema, an incredible goal I have to admit it.

Then on minute 7 another goal from Benzema again.

And on minute 10 a goal from Sancet, making the match 1-2 for Real Madrid.

I thought it was going to be a super interesting match but there weren't more goals after those three.

So yeah I'm the end it was a bit boring and like I had predicted everyone was shouting weird stuff in spanish to the TV.

Anyway in the end Real Madrid won so everyone was happy.

Now I decided to go out with Arthur and Lorenzo to buy a few things since Christmas is near.

We kind of did our best since none of us speaks Spanish but we found what we were looking for.

We also decided to have some more brothers time and went to have dinner to a restaurant Carlos told me that we could go.

After dinner and playing around like the stupid child's we are we went back home.

Carlos' POV:

24 of December.

I had to get up early in the morning because my mom was missing a few things to make dinner so I had to go and buy them.

Charles also came with me so we went to Mercadona and started getting everything my mom wrote on the list.

"To....Tomates?(tomatoes), I think that's what it says. Why is your mom's letter so hard to understand?!"
"It's not that hard Charlie"
"Oh yeah, tell me what this says then"

He showed me the list and pointed right under what he just read.

"Hm it says.....wait let me think and try to figure that out.....huevos!!!(eggs)"

He looked at me.

"Okay maybe it is a bit hard to understand"
"Okay, okay my mom's letter is hard to understand, now let's finish getting everything we need I want to go back to sleep"

He laughed and we finished buying everything finally getting back home where after giving everything to my mom we went straight to sleep.

My mom woke us up for lunch and after lunch we started preparing the food for the dinner.

Like always my sisters and I helping my mom, and obviously the kitchen becoming a mess like every fucking Christmas.

Charles, Arthur, Lorenzo and Pascale also helped us so this year we finished everything faster.

We went to get ready and had dinner.

One of the bests Christmas I've had in my whole life.

Then we went to sleep since we were all tired and opened the presents in the morning.

This is really an incredible Christmas and I could have chosen better people to spend it with.

Now we are only a few days away from New Year's Eve so we can finally start 2022 and a new season where I hope to finally win a race with Ferrari.



Don't know for how long tho 😅, it's been a fucking year since the last time I updated this book so I'm sorry for making all of you wait that much for a new chapter but I had zero ideas on how to continue this story.

I hope to not disappear for another whole year this time and hope I'll get more ideas for the book.

Anyway hope you liked the chapter!! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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