The big meeting

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It was sunday and Charles family will arrive tomorrow. Charles would lie if he said that he wasn't overthinking everything.

It was 8:00 am and Charles had only slept 2 hours, he spend the rest of the night thinking diferent things that could happen.

Carlos woke up and saw his boyfriend shaking and lost in his thoughts. He moved Charles onto his lap and hugged him.

"Tell me. what are you thinking of?"
"I'm scared of what your family will think about mine"
"Cariño you know you don't need to think about that"
"I can't help but do it"
"Let's go have breakfast and watch a movie okay?"
"Yeah okay"

The next day:

Charles and Carlos were driving to Carlos Sr house with Charles family in the car. They arrived and got inside.
Carlos Sr showed everyone their rooms. Pascalle, Arthur and Lorenzo staying in pretty big guests rooms, Carlos and Charles staying at Carlos old room.

Everyone got along quickly and everything was fine. Charles got a phone call. He and Carlos went to their room so Charles could talk on the phone and Carlos get a shower in the bathroom.

"Hi Charles is me Pierre"
"Hi pear"
"Petit as you know I'm on Japan with Yuki and I'm on a library so do you want any books?"
"Yeah get me whatever you think I'll like"
"Okay you don't mind if it is in english right?"
"Okay bye petit"
"Bye Pear"

Carlos got out of the bathroom and went to where Charles was sitting on the bed.

"Who called you?"
"Pierre, he's on Japan with Yuki and wanted to ask me if I wanted some books"
"Now talking about books, you know spanish so why don't we go buy some books. It's only 9:00 pm and the library is open till 10:00 pm"
"Sure let me change and we can go"
"Okay I'll be down stairs cariño"

Charles changed quickly and got down stairs.

"Mamá papá Charles and I are going to the library"
"Okay be carefull"
"We will mamá"

Charles and Carlos started walking down the streets of Madrid seeing all the christma decorations and lights.
They arrived at the library and started looking arround for some books.

"Charles look. I think you will like this one"
"'Boulevard' Okay if you think I will like it then let's take it"

After buying some books they went to a cafeteria. And Carlos took some picks of Charles.

 And Carlos took some picks of Charles

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(Imagine it is a cafeteria)

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(Imagine it is a cafeteria)

And obiusly Charles also took some picks of Carlos.

And obiusly Charles also took some picks of Carlos

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(Again imagine he's at the cafeteria)

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(Again imagine he's at the cafeteria)

After eating they went back home and walked straight to the bed falling asleep cuddled in eachothers arms.

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