Chapter 5

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Jennie's POV

"And that's it, I know you were also surprised by what happened before, you didn't think they were lovers huh

"So you hottie" I was surprised when someone spoke behind me you know who it is

"Didn't I say YOU'RE MINE" (or put it under coplock to feel it HAHAHA)

"Yah author how dare you cut what I'm saying huh?" Gulped

"Hehe sorry Lisa unnie" author said and pouted

"Aish, you Jennie, I clearly told you in the Cafeteria right that it's mine! So why your flirting with others" Lisa said to me and threw me a dagger look 'gulp'

'he's scary, author help me' "sorry Jen, I'm scared of him too" with a hand on his neck

"Well you won't answer me"

"Hey, Miss Li-lisa, what's up?" I said to her, stuttering because of fear

"Yah! Answer without stuttering!"
'deep sigh' "What's wrong miss-"

"Don't call me miss"

"What do you want me to call you?" I said to her but her it is she just smirked at me and came closer to my horn while saying "Call me love" while blowing on the horn and she just gave me shivers

"Aa-h I'll just call you Lisa" I said to her

"That's because Lisa, I'm not flirting with them, they're just Unnie" I said to her 'do I have to explain I whispered to myself' I was surprised by what she said.

"Cause your mine, so from now on it's your my girlfriend and if I see you flirting with someone else you won't like it, I'll do that" she said while pointing to what you already know hehe
'so because of fear I immediately nodded at her' and then she immediately smiled sweetly at me and pulled me out to where they were in Seul.

Lisa's POV

'I don't know why I'm like this to Jennie I'm so possessive towards her and now I claim her as my girlfriend, argh!!! What's happening to you Lalisa Manoban!!! What did you do to me Jennie Kim why am I like this to you?' I know this is Start when I see her charming smile that all students can fall but sorry Jennie is mine now mine only

'And now I'm dragging him to where they are Unnie and you know what's make me happy? Because hands are fit to each other and of course those students who are excited because they see me and you holding hands, Yes that's right, be thrilled with us.

Third Person POV

While the two are holding hands, their friends are now getting ready, do you know why? LET'S GO TO SEE THE FLASHBACKS


Jn for Jennie
L for Lisa
S for Seulgi
I for Irene
Ny for Nayeon
Jy for Jeongyeon
R for Rosé
Js for Jisoo
Ry for Ryujin
Yj for Yeji

Seulgi and Irene POV

S: Babe please it won't happen again

I: Hey, I don't know about you KANG SEULGI 'omy she's angry' Seulgi said to herself

S: You know babe what if we top treat you to Cinema and let's date pretty please 'pout'

I: Aish, why do you always do that when we fight, you know I give in easily

S: HAHAHA sorry babe please

I: Okay ill chat them to gc and tell them your plan

S: Yey thanks babe I'll chat the top too


N: What did Lisa do and where did all that time go?

Jy: It's easy there babe, oh they agree

Ry: Wait, am I seeing right guys?
Them: Omy they are holding hands ack!!!!

*Jenlisa came*

R: Monkey what does that mean while pointing to their holding hands

L: Yah Chipmunk im not monkey, then here hmm she's my girl now 'look to Jennie right love'

Jn: Ha but Lisa threw me a dagger look so I said "Yes I'm her gf now"

Them: omygod it's so fast btw congrats guys let's celebrate come on

Jn: I'm sorry guys but I need to go now, I still have work at the Cafe

Js: No Jen, this celebration is for you and Lisa so why aren't you coming with us

Jn: Unnie kas-  'but they throw me a dagger look' what am I going to do I'm only one against Nine people' I sigh

Jn: Okay okay and please don't look at me like that you're scary 'pout'

All of them except me and Lisa said YEY, and Lisa just smiled at me

Jn: But let me call my manager first
Them: Yeah sure Jen

*After I called my manager and said it, she immediately said it's okay, so now we're going to the mall

*And you know who I'm riding with? It's probably right there with my gf, sigh, it's only been a day, but I already have a gf

L: I told you love when I saw you flirting with people in my mall, I hated what you are doing

Jn: Yes, I'm just behaving

L: Well, it should be, and don't be separated from me

Jn: But can I ask a question?

L: Okay, what is that?

Jn: Did you say I'm yours and I'm your gf? It's impossible for you to fall in love with me in one day, right?

L: What if-

To be continued......

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