Chapter 7

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L: You guys really want a trouble ha? With mad tone

N: So? What if we want Manoban? 'go to Jennie and kiss her cheeks'

Jn: 'shocked at what Nancy did, then look at Lisa'

L: Yah how dare  you do that to what's mine 'go to Nancy and slap her face'

I: Omygod Lisa

N: Yah how dare you slap me!! 'about to slap Lisa's face back'

Jn: 'go to Lisa's front so that why she's the one that Nancy hit' are you done?

L: No!! Let me kill that girl Rosé she slap my girlfriend!! Rosé let go of me!!!!

R: Stop it Lisa!

Principal: What's happening here!, All of you that involve in this trouble go to the principal office now!!, And to student's who's not involved here go to your classrooms.


*At the Principal office*

*Lisa's parents came

Lm: What happened Mr. Wong (principal)

Mr. Wong: Mrs. Manoban your daughter create a trouble.

Ld: 'look at my daughter' What did you do this time?

L: Dad it's not my fault, I'm not the one who started this mess!

N: No your the one who slap me first!

L: Because you bothering my girlfriend!

Ld: Where's that girlfriend of yours ha? I want to talk to her!

L: No dad, Don't touch her I swear!

Lm: Sweetie let your dad talk to her, so where is she Mr. Wong?

Mr. Wong: 'tell where's Jennie's Room number '

On the other hand

Jennie's POV

'Aish I'm so nervous right now, because of me Lisa's need to go at the Principal's office'

Ny: Hey Jen don't be nervous, what happened earlier is natural to them you know their are mortal enemy that's why.

Jn: But -

'knock knock'

Prof: Oh Mr. Manoban, how are you?

Jennie's thought Mr. Manoban so it means it's her dad omygod what to do?'

Mr. Manoban: oh Mr. Jeon I'm great you, how are you?

Prof: Oh I'm fine, what can I do for you Mr. Manoban?

Mr. Manoban: I heard that this the class of Jennie Kim, I just want to talk to her can I excuse her for a while?

Prof: Oh yes you can Mr. Manoban, wait I just call her. Jennie Kim?

Jn: Yes p-prof?

Prof: Mr. Manoban here what's to talk to you

Jn: Okay prof  'why Mr. Manoban want to talk to me? Aish I'm so nervous please lord spare with me.'

Mr. Manoban: So you are Jennie Kim?

Jn: Y-yes si-sir

Mr. Manoban: My daughter girlfriend? 'look at Jennie from head to toes'

Jn: Yes Mr. Manoban, I know that I'm not rich like you are and I not good to be with Lisa but I can promise to you that Im willing to do everything for her and I'm going to hurt her-

Mr. Manoban: You know already that you are not rich how dare you, maybe you just want money from my daughter tsk tsk. 'serious tone'

Jn: I don't care about Lisa's money all I want for her is her heart I love her all my life (oo mahal ko na si Lisa diko din alm kung pano pero mas minahal ko pa siya nung mas nagiging possessive sya sa akin)

Mr. Manoban: HAHAHAHA I got you kid, I like your confidence

Jn: W-what?, I.....I Can't understand s-sir

Mr. Manoban: I really know you Jennie since you were kid I'm the one who always donate at the orphanage you will live don't you remember me buddy?

Jn: 'realized something' Omy you really that my chef buddy?, 'He nod so I decide to hug him'


*When Jennie is only 6 years old, then she and Mr. Manoban first met*

Mr. Manoban: Ahm sister who's that little girl?

Sister: Oh her name is Jennie, Mr. Manoban

Mr. Manoban: How did she get here?

Sister: Last month lang Mr. Manoban she don't have any memory because of her accident the police give her to us cause no one claimed her at the police station after her operation at the Hospital 'sad tone'

Mr. Manoban: Oh thank you sister 'felt sad about what happen to Jennie' and 'decide to go at Jennie' Ah sister I'm just going to her?

Sister: Yeah sure Mr. Manoban

*Go to little Jennie*

Mr. Manoban: Hello there princess

Little Jn: Hello po Mr., But don't call me Princess

Mr. Manoban: Why you look like a princess for me.

Little Jn: ahh because-

Mr. Manoban: It's fine I'm not a bad person ask Sister

Little Jn: Ahh I'm not totally girl Mr. You know intersex?

Mr. Manoban: Ha? What do you mean?

Little Jn: Ahm I have a boy part Mr 'shy'

Mr. Manoban: Oh that's why HAHAHA don't be shy 'smile at her' don't worry it's a secret for us 'wink at her'

Little Jn: Really? 'happy tone'

Mr. Manoban: of course buddy

Little Jn: I heard po kay sister na your a chef? But you are CEO too 'amazing tone'

Mr. Manoban: Yes buddy I am

Little Jn: Wow your great Chef buddy, can I call you that?

Mr. Manoban: Yes of course! In happy tone


Jn: You really my Chef buddy 'Excited tone'

Mr. Manoban: HAHAHA so you remember me?

Jn: Yes Chef buddy!

Mr. Manoban: So you meet my daughter already ha?

Jn: Ahm yes po 'shy tone'

Mr. Manoban: HAHAHA no need to be shy to me buddy, and im glad that your my daughter girlfriend

Jn: Thank you Chef buddy

Mr. Manoban: 'hug her ' are you sure that you love her? She didn't scared you hmm?

Jn: HAHAHA Chef buddy the 1st place we meet she scared me but now I love her already

Mr. Manoban: I have something to tell to you about her you know-

* Mr. Manoban got cut when Lisa came*

Lisa's POV

'When we finished in the principal office, I immediately went to the room because what would dad do with my girlfriend?'

'And if you ask me what happened to the witch? It is said that she was suspended for one month, HAHAHA that suits her for what she did to my Jennie

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