Chapter 8

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Jenlisa's Friends POV

Yj: Omy I'm just dreaming unnies?

Ny: Yeah, why does Uncle smile and laugh at other people ?

S: Maybe Lisa already tell Uncle about Jennie ?

R: No, Lisa didn't make Jennie and Uncle meet already 

Ry: But why unnie?

I: Maybe Uncle will do something to Jennie

Js: But we see that Jennie and Uncle already met right?

Jy: Omy did really Uncle hug her and she hug him back!

*All they friends shocked at what happened *

Back to Lisa's POV

L: Yah dad, didn't I tell you to not do something on her!?

Lm: Calm down sweetie you see their just talking ?

L: But-

Ld: Hays, princess you see that we are talking!

Lm: Did you guys know each other because earlier we see you guys hugging each other?

L: What! Yah dad why did you hug my Girlfriend huh?!

Ld: Quite Lisa, and yes hon I know her already and you too.

Lm: What do you mean hon? I don't think I know her already cause I just meet her now

Ld: I'll tell you guys later but now, let's excuse Lisa and her gf to their prof okay?

L: Yah dad why my girlfriend need to go with us, are you planning something?

Ld: You will know later ok? And stop it Lisa with warning tone


Third Person POV

*Now the Manoban family together with Jennie is in the car now going to the Mansion*

Jennie's POV

'Wow their house is so big and beautiful'

L: Yah what did you say? They are more beautiful than me?! Ha JENNIE KIM!

Jn: 'shocked' Did you heard it?

L: Yes! So tell me now who's more beautiful that mansion or me?!

Jn: 'Aish ano bang nangyayari kay Lisa pati Bahay nila pinagseselosan'

L: Are you really not gonna answer me huh?!

Jn: Aish relax love of course your more beautiful, 'bakit naman pati Bahay pinagseselosan'

L: Good, I'm just the one who will beautiful to ur eyes  'then kiss Jennie in lips'

Jn: 'Shocked then blush'

L: Oh your blushing with happy tone, did you already cleaned your face maybe the germs is still there 'mad tone'

Jn: Yes babe I already clean it no need to worry love 'then wink at her' Aish bakit ba pabago-bago  mood nitong gf ko?'

L: 'Blushing in mess' what did you said something?

Jn: Nothing love, I said ur parents want to talk to us now

L: Okay Let's go Love

*At the living room

Lm: Explain now how how do you meet her and why you guys know it's other

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