Chapter 13

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Lisa's POV

We are currently walking here at school to go to our classroom when we heard something that's make me stop from walking.

"You guys know that the new student is Jungkook?" The student said

"Nope I just heard it, it's the University hot topic" other student said

"Omygod look, is that Jungkook?" other student said

'Then Jungkook start walking towards are direction'

"Ackkk so handsome!!" The girl said

"Omo is he going to Lisa?" Other girl said

"Are old ship!!!!" Girls said

'Then Jungkook stop where we standing'

"Lis can I talk to you?" He said to me

(I can't talk I just staring at him all of our memories back to me)


"Omy Jennie arrived is this going to be love triangle?" Other student said

"Lis please let's talk" Jungkook said and hug me

(I can't even push he's back I'm just here freezing)

"Ehem excuse me Jungkook" Nayeon unnie said and push Jungkook a bit from me

"Lisa, Jennie saw it" Rosé said to I know what she referring though

"Where is she?" I said

"She run away unnie" Yeji said with a sad voice

"Please Lisa let's talk" He said again

"Pwede ba Jungkook stop it you and Lisa already broke up right?!" Irene unnie said

"It's okay unnie, let's talk" I said

"Are you out of your mind Lis?" Rosé said

"How about Jennie huh? Not gonna follow her?" Nayeon unnie said

"You guys follow her Im just talking to him" I said to them

(I can see the disappointment in their faces)

'then they leave'

Jennie POV

'Habang tumatakbo sa kanila ng papalayo, marami akong naririnig tungkol don sa lalaki na yon at kay Lili'

"Excuse me, do you know that guy who is talking to Lisa?" I ask one girl

"Hmm yes she's miss Lisa's Ex" she said to me

"Do you mind if I ask you why they broke up?" I said to her

"Based on what I heard, they broke up because Jungkook's parents want Jungkook to study abroad so Lisa and Jungkook decided to cut their relationship" she said to me

"Okay Thank you miss" I said to her

"You're welcome" she said to me and leave

(Para akong tinusok ng isang libong kutsilyo sa puso ko ng malaman ko kung bakit sila nag-hiwalay, so there's a chance na mag kabalikan sila dahil bumalik na si Jungkook?. I run to my secret place and shout"

"Ahh I can't let her go, I already love her so much!!!!" 

"Why?! Why now!!!"

'I said ng biglang bumuhos ang malakas na ulan'

Jisoo's Pov

We are here right now finding Jennie, but we can't find her, we already ask some students if they see her but they didn't. Tumigil kami sa pag hahanap ng biglang bumuhos ang ulan, "hayss Lisa what are you doing?" I said to my mind

"It's raining hard na what if I text o call nalang natin si Jennie?" Ryujin said

"Yeah that's good idea babe" Yeji said

"Si Lisa kasi eh, ano bang tumatakbo sa utak non?" Seulgi said

"Yeah don't tell us na babalikan ni Lisa yung Jungkook na yon?" Jeongyeon said

"Aishh babe we don't know either what's on her mind" Nayeon said

"Aishh that kid, Jennie is so soft to hurt" Irene said

"The rain is so hard let's call Jennie if she's okay" Rosé said

"Yeah I'm gonna call her now" I said


"Hello hyung?" Jennie said with a hint of sad in her voice

'I turn the speaker ng marinig din ng mga Kasama ko'

"Jen where are you? Were so worried" I said to her

"Don't worry guys im fine im here at my place no need to worry" she said

"Are you really fine Jendu- (I glare at Seulgi when she planning so said Jenduek cause I don't know either basta alm ko ako lng may karapatan na tawagin siyang ganon) Jennie

"I'm fine like I said"

"Are you going to go to school tomorrow?" Irene said

"Ne unnie"

"Okay, just call me if you need something and if your not okay" I said to her

"Ne hyung bye I need to rest bye guys"
She said

"Bye" we said in unison and I hung up

"She's hurt" I said in nowhere

"Huh?" They said in unison

"I said she's hurt"

"How did you know babe?" Rosé ask me

"Based on her voice"

"Aishh si Lisa unnie kasi eh" Yeji said

"Come on guys let's go" Nayeon said and we left to go to our room

To be continued

Hi guys I just want to update right now HAHAHA I miss you guys, Im really worried about my grades you guys how's your exam? Btw thank you for reading and advance Happy Halloween guys 😘

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