VIOLET BOOK 02 follows the story tale about Violet Benton, a seventeen year old teenager who lives in a small town named Arrington.
Violet Benton herself, has things weighing on her, but still, she keeps her head high and proceeds ahead.
Jonny Harpe...
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The Next Morning, in the Arts&Crafts room, I'm sitting at the round table, with my arms folded, spaced out.
Violet (VO) If I don't breakup with Aaron, Eleanor Reese will destroy him. So, I have to protect him.
"Violet?" Aaron said.
I look at Aaron. "Hey, Aaron." and gets up to my feet and slowly walks up to him. "We can't be together anymore."
"What are you talking about?" Aaron asked me, a bit confused, and then, he realizes what I'm trying to do. "This is Eleanor Reese, isn't it?"
"Aaron?" I said.
"She threatened to hurt me if you didn't breakup with me." Aaron said to me.
"Aaron, I kissed Jonny. I've always loved him. You've been nothing to me but a romantic distraction." I tell him with tears forming in my eyes. "We can't be together anymore, Aaron. I'm sorry."
"Violet?" Aaron said.
I walks away from him, walking out of the Arts&Crafts room and into Miss. Leuven's guidance counselor's office.
I pull my phone out and dials Eleanor Reese's phone.
"Hi, Little Brat. Is it done?" Eleanor Reese asked me on the phone.
"Yeah. I broke up with my boyfriend, Aaron. He and I aren't together anymore." I tell Eleanor Reese.
"Good. You're almost there to embracing your inner darkness, Violet. That cut wound on your right cheek is just the start of your dark transformation." Eleanor Reese said.
I'm sitting at a round lounge table with my ice cream sundae with a spoon.
"Hey, Tough Nut." Pinkie said, sitting at the round lounge table across from me. "What's the gloomy cloud over you?"
"Nothing much." I said.
"Really, Violet? Gloominess isn't a cute thing for you." Pinkie said.
"My life is becoming crap. My arch-nemesis is a sadistic diabolical psychopath. And I don't know what to do. So, pardon me, my gloominess, Pinkie." I said to her.
"You know, your older sister, Violet, talks about you sometimes. How tough you are, how smarty pants you are. And how much of a badass you are. But you, Violet Benton, you don't give up either. And actually, I admire you." Pinkie said to me, and looks at Cherry. "Who's the redheaded teen?"