Chapter Five

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Chuuya pov

Okay, I can see what Higuchi meant when she said that Dazai was good looking.

Like, he is. A lot. He just... not my type. Kind of annoying and snarky. Gross. And that bitch is making me help him with his grades? Higuchi never said anything about that! I swear to god, the next time I see her...

I kick a stone off of the sidewalk as I trudge towards the coffee shop where I spend a lot of my evenings. It stays open pretty late, and it's nice to do my homework there. The environment is relaxing.

The bell next to the door jingles as I enter. Soft music plays in the background. There are vines hanging from pots and scattering the walls, I don't know how they keep them alive, but it looks really pretty. The whole atmosphere is really nice, better than my cramped room. A few people are scattered around the shop, but not many, since it's late afternoon already.

A man with blonde hair and blue eyes stands behind the cash register, handing somebody a croissant. He sees me and his face breaks into a grin.

"Chuuya! How're you doing? The usual?"

"Yeah, thanks, John." I half smile at him.

A/N: John Steinbeck (grapevine guy) would run a cafe you cannot convince me otherwise

He turns around, starting to make my coffee. I come here on nights when I don't have basketball, to relax and get out of the house. By relax, I really mean take a chunk out of the huge pile of homework I always have.

He turns back around and hands me a steaming cup, and I give him my debit card, which he inserts into a little machine.

"So, how's it going?" He asks, handing me back my card. I tuck it into my pocket.

"Okay, I guess. I seem to have gotten myself into a situation where I have to tutor somebody that I don't particularly like so he can help me ask out a guy... I don't know, it's hard to explain?"

John sighs. "Oh, to be young again... I was in love once too, you know."

I tilt my head at him. "Really? What happened?"

He laughs. "Honestly, I don't even know. He kind of jumped into the ocean. I haven't heard from him in years."

"Oh." I say, because, what do you say to that? "Well, I better get started on my homework, I guess."

John nods and I turn around and head towards my usual table, in the back corner of the shop.


"Chuuya. Chuuya!"

I look up to see John leaning over my table, smiling at me.

"Look, I know homework is really interesting, but it's 9:00 and we're closing now, so you should probably go home." He pats my shoulder and starts to wipe the tables with a rag. I pack up my bag and wave goodbye before stepping out of the shop into the chilly air.

I pull my jacket tighter around myself. It's dark out, almost nobody out on the streets. I pick up my pace, wincing when the wind bites my nose and ears. I get home a few minutes later, and sigh when the warm air hits me.

I got almost all of my homework done, I can finish the rest now. I heat up leftover pasta from yesterday and wolf it down before bounding up the stairs to my room. I set my bag down and pull out my phone, opening my messages with Higuchi.

Chuuya: Hey Higuchi

Higuchi: what do you want now jeez

Chuuya: Do you have Dazai's number?

Higuchi: so what if i do?

Chuuya: Well can you send it to me?

Higuchi: why?

Chuuya: Oh I don't know, maybe so I can text him?

Higuchi: fine. but this is the last favor i'm doing for you.

Chuuya: Thanks.

I groan. God, she's so annoying sometimes. My phone pings and I click on the contact that Higuchi sent me. Dazai Osamu. God, what am I getting myself into? I open messages and text the number. Dazai replies almost immediately.

Chuuya: Hi it's Chuuya I got your number from my friend don't ask me how she has it it'll be useful to talk to each other in case we're meeting up or whatever

Dazai: Okay!

Chuuya: Right well I have basketball tomorrow, want to meet up with me outside the gym after?

Dazai: Okay, see you then!

I sigh and put my phone down, closing my eyes, and leaning back against my pillow. I wonder what Tachihara's doing right now. I smile to myself before opening my eyes again and getting out my homework to finish it.


I exit the gym with Tachihara and the other guys on the basketball team. I'm standing next to Tachihara, our shoulders almost brushing. I feel... light. Happy. Maybe a little hopeful. Practice was fun. Maybe Tachihara will want to hang out with me...

Tachihara turns to me and my heart leaps into my throat.

"Hey, Chuuya-" He starts, but is interrupted by a loud voice.

"Chuuya!" I turn in the voice's direction to see Dazai jogging towards me, grinning.

"Who's that?" Tachihara asks, cocking his head to the side.

"Oh, uh, that's... my friend?" I say. Honestly, I'm really not sure what my Dazai's and my relationship is. But dammit Dazai, why'd you have to show up right when Tachihara was about to ask me something?

Dazai reaches us and smiles at me. "Hey, Chuuya! How's it going?"

"Fine, until you showed up." I grumble, glaring at him.

"Ouch, Chuuya. Words can hurt, you know!" He turns slightly away, feigning hurt.

"Jeez, you're such a baby. So, are we going to the library?" He nods and I turn back to Tachihara. "Sorry, but I really have to go. See you tomorrow!" I give him my (hopefully) most attractive smile.

"Oh. Bye!" He half-smiles back at me, and his face makes me want to jump into a hole and never come out again. I kind of want to push Dazai into a gutter and skip off into the sunset with Tachihara. Except Dazai's actually helping me here, so I can't do that, and it's cloudy today, and who even knows how Tachihara feels about me.

Before I can stop myself, I reach out slightly, brushing my knuckles against his, before turning away. My heart is pounding. Oh god, am I being too obvious? I start to walk off and Dazai keeps pace with me. As soon as we're out of earshot he turns on me.

"That's the guy you like?" He asks, smirking.

I feel myself turn red. "I- it's none of your goddamn business! Now c'mon, aren't I supposed to help you study or something?"

"Oh, right! Yes, let's go do that!" He nods, almost like he forgot why I'm even with him right now. I roll my eyes and stalk off in the direction of the library. He has no trouble keeping up with his long legs, which really makes me want to punch him.

My mind drifts back to Tachihara, and how disappointed he looked when I left. Jeez, I feel horrible. I hope this whole thing is worth it in the end.

1171 words

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