2 - Jamal

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"Be sure to be on your best behavior you two..you are representing Agrabah..and me and your fathers life is resembled upon you attending Auradon Prep..", "I know mother. I'll keep an eye on him, so don't worry mother..." Mom nodded as I rolled my eyes at their comments, "Yeah..yeah..I know.."

I crossed my arms as Uncle Genie appeared with Cousin Dez, "Alright..I already gave him the run down and all about the no call of answering to the words I wish or simply wish.." mom and dad laughed, "Good..we don't want anything to go haywire in Auradon do  we,", "No father.." he smiled and stared at me.

"Don't turn into street rat alright..it's not a good look..", "I know..but if you keep reminding me..I probably will be one.." he had sighed, "Okay I guess that settles things..Dez if you would like to do the honors of taking care of Carpet during the school year..to make travel easier..", "Oh I'll make sure don't worry..Uncle Al.." 

Whole New School
Well off we go
I know that I can show us the way
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me now is it true?
We are on our way to Auradon Prep
So here we go

Wonder by wonder
Over, sideways and under on a magic ride
A whole new world and school
A new fantastic point of view
Unless Jamal messes things up
No one to tell us "No", or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming

A whole new place to destroy
A dazzling place I never knew that needed chaos
But when I'm way up here
It's mysterious and clear to see
That now I'm in a whole new school
Unbelievable sights, Indescribable feeling
A hundred thousand things to do
Like  shooting arrows with Robin Hood's son, I've come so far
I can't go back to where I used to be
Stuck behind my bedroom doors

With new horizons to pursue
We'll chase Auradon anywhere
There's time to spare

I'll cause chaos in this whole new school

I'll meet new friends in the school


I will be sure to grant every wish, I hear with wishes about

With new horizons to pursue
We'll chase Auradon anywhere
There's time to spare
In this whole new world and school

"Well we have arrived,", "Good.." I got off the carpet and grabbed my bag and looked at them, "See you never.." I roll my eyes as I see the fairy godmother up on stage. "Students of Auradon Prep..listen up..we are starting a new program here at school called the Auradon Prep Guidance Counselor Program also known as A.P.G.C.P., as this is the temporary name for the program until we figure it out."

She started to mention how some of the people up there had lived in Wonderland and some on the Isle Of The Lost and even Neverland. "Psst.." I turned and saw Clarisa the daughter of the Cheshire cat, "What do you want..", "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the cat bed..look I am just seeing what an old friend is doing.." I laughed, "Old in indeed..","Each of them has a scroll of who they are assigned to..and they will give daily reports on how things are going. So without further details, Madden Hatter can you please start us off.."  I look on stage as the guy Madden took out a scroll.

"Will the following students please step forward.." the fairy godmother looked over at Madden as he went on to list who he had. "Jamal Yerbak, Maverick Westergaard, Tammy Rodgers, Elena Oldenburg, and Dez Genuine." Each one of us stepped forward, as I raised a brow. Another Westergaard? Yuma did warn about a baby and this must be the youngest. "Please follow Mr. Madden to your assigned area.." Madden left the stage as those who were called followed him. I followed him and kept my eye on this Maverick kid.

"Hello. I am Madden Hatter, the son of Mad Hatter and I'll be your guidance counselor this year. A thing my father told me before leaping into every rabbit hole is that life is a lot like making tea. You need both boiling water and the tea leaves to make a good cup of tea." He had smiled as it looked completely cheesy as I could see Elena, the daughter of Elsa, rolled her eyes. At least I am not the only one who is annoyed. "Any questions.."

Elena raised her hand, "I highly doubt this but have you ever had coffee..it's way better than all this tea nonsense.." Everyone but him and Tammy laughed, it was quite funny to ask a guy who liked tea if he had any coffee before. "Better than Tea? And I thought I was mad.." Tammy, daughter of Prince Naveen and Princess Tiana alongside my cousin Dez. Tammy  raised her hand as he called on her, "Yes?", "What is it like in Wonderland.."

He smiled, "Wonderland is like a dream you can never wake up from. Nothing there makes sense and you can have a completely different mindset. But that allows you to discover who you really are. It is also fun to sing with flowers and play croquet with flamingos.." I raised a brow and raised my hand as I could see Dez eyeing me. "Yes?", "How would one get to Wonderland..or simply live there.." Madden looked speechless and didn't say another word, "Anyways..I'll show you to your dorms.."

We all nodded as I rolled my eyes, a simple question yet unanswered, "Its' simple really..just go to the Main Street and look for a big whole..simple as that.." I turn and see Clarisa, "Obviously you knew the answer..and he didn't..", "Well duh..I am part wonder..speaking of..you need a wonderlander to go with you to Wonderland or else you can't get back.." I smirked, "Oh really..tell me more.."

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