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SIXTY YEARS OF PEACE WERE DRAWING TO A CLOSE. With King Jaehaerys' health dwindling, and the tragic loss of both of his sons, the realm was cast into a state of unrest, with highborn and lowborn lords alike fearing what was to come upon the King's passing. The uncertainty of the King's heir loomed over Westeros like a deadly shadow, ready to thrust the kingdom into decay.

In the year 101 A.C, a great council was called. A great many Lords amassed within Harrenhal to judge which of the many claims for the throne should truly ascend. Of the fourteen claims put before King Jaehaerys and the great council, only two held true weight behind them. Princess Rhaenys Velaryon, the eldest daughter of the Aemon Targaryen, and Prince Viserys Targaryen, the eldest son of Baelon Targaryen, held the strongest claims to the Iron Throne.

Within the walls of Harrenhal, with over a thousand lords as their witnesses, Rhaenys, with her husband Corlys Velaryon at her side, stood to the right of King Jaehaerys whilst Viserys, with his wife Aemma at his side, stood to the left. All was quiet, a tense silence hanging over their heads as they awaited the Maesters to bring forth the chest containing the answer that would dictate the future of the realm.

Amongst the many Lords and Ladies gathered, the remainder of House Targaryen stood toward the very front of the mass. Princess Baela Targaryen, the youngest of Baelon Targaryen's children, a woman of only ten and seven stood beside her brother, Daemon, poised and patient as she looked on toward her grandfather, eldest brother and cousin. Hand tucked into the crook of Daemon's arm, Baela's fingers tightened their grip around her brother's sleeve in apprehension as the Maesters set the chest before her grandfather.

Baela believed her dear brother Viserys would make a fine king, he was amiable in nature, a trait any good ruler should have. Her cousin Rhaenys however was clever, admirably so, and Baela believed she too would make a fine ruler, providing the kingdom with a much-needed 'woman's touch' so to speak. Baela knew the way of things though and was not naive enough to believe a woman would be placed upon the throne anytime soon, she doubted such a thing would even occur within her lifetime.

As the chest was opened and King Jaehaerys proclaimed who was to be his heir, Baela held no surprise upon her eldest brother's name being spoken.

Overwhelming applause flooded Harrenhal. Baela met Viserys eyes, a soft smile upon her lips and a reassuring nod of her head to which he returned the gesture, a silent conversation of 'you'll do well as king, dear brother' and 'thank you, sister' passing between them. Turning her focus from her brother, Baela caught Rhaenys gaze and gifter her too with a soft empathetic smile, her eyes conveying 'I'm sorry' to which her cousin gave a tight-lipped smile of her own, 'I know'.

It simply wasn't the time for a woman to ascend the throne. Not yet, at least.

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Beth's notes:

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Beth's notes:

And there we have it!

I adore Baela, she's easily one of my favourite oc's I've made to date.

Also just to clear up any possible confusion, Daemon and Leana's daughter Baela is going to be named in honour of his sister hence why they share the same name. I love the name Baela so much and this wouldn't be the first instance in which different Targaryens held the same name throughout the generations.

~spoilers if you aren't caught up to episode six~

Just a couple of things to note before the actual main plot of HOTD and this fic begins to unfold. 1) Harwin won't be Rhaenyra's baby-daddy, my oc Rylan Strong will hold that honour. 2) Harwin won't die in the Harrenhal fire because my man deserves better, sorry Rylan! 3) The timings of some canon events, ages etc may change to better fit my plot and oc's.

Thanks for reading!

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