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Ezra Wu is, I guess you could say, popular, he knew pretty much everyone and was a people person.

So he was pretty much the exact opposite of his sister, Marcy Wu, which was ironic considering they were identical twins.

Marcy wasn't popular, she was more 'nerdy', while she was smart, Ezra was dumb, and while Ezra was flirty with the people he liked, Marcy wasn't.

It was actually interesting.

Lately, Ezra had been crushing on one of his friends.

Anne Boonchuy.

He shared some classes with her, and whenever she was near, he couldn't help but stare.

He wasn't sure if she ever noticed his silent pining.


Ezra walked into his first class of the day, his eyes immediately searching for Anne, who sat at the very back.

Hope sparkled inside him, and he quickly made his way over to her.

"Anne! Hey."

She looked up at the sound of her name, and politely smiled his way, letting him know she was listening.

"Hey! Did you do last nights homework?"

Ezra sat down in the seat next to her, huffing slightly at the mention of school work.

"Yeah I did, well— technically my sister did it for me, but it still counts!"

Anne raised an eyebrow, slightly intrigued.

"Sister? You have a sister?"


"And you didn't tell me?!"

Ezra rolled his eyes and said, "Why would I wanna talk about her?"

Anne scoffed, crossing her arms playfully.

"Well, I have a brother, so I guess we both left some things out."

Ezra tilted his head and pulled on his hoodie strings, "You have a brother?!"

"Yeah, don't worry, you're not missing out by not knowing him, I'm the better Boonchuy." She said and grinned.

He smiled and whispered, "I bet."

She furrowed her brows, but he quickly moved on.

"Anyways! We could set our siblings up to date each other! You know— like double da— I mean— Uh so they can be together."

Anne snorted, seemingly not hearing the first part, as she shook her head softly while looking down.

"Liam is definitely not interested in relationships."

"Why? Is he focusing on school?"

"I guess you could say that..."

Before he could further question it, the bell rang which cut him off.

Anne turned away and to the front of the class, so Ezra didn't bother to say anything.


It was the end of the school day, and Ezra had walked outside the school doors, his friends flocking to him like birds after bread.

But he wasn't paying attention to them.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see a flash of brown hair, so once he turned he saw Anne.

He tried to fight back a smile, but just as quickly as he saw her, she was gone.

His shoulders slumped, and his friends had taken his silence as him ignoring them so they walked away.

He stood there for a second, until he felt someone flick the back of his head, which made him jolt.

He quickly whirled around, ready to cuss whoever did that out, but he stopped once he saw who it was.

He rolled his eyes once he was met with his twin sister.

"Dude, why are you so angry? Did someone pee in your cereal this morning?" She joked.

He turned back around and made his way down the steps, while Marcy hurriedly walked behind him.

"You're annoying,"

Marcy snorted, playing with the strings of her backpack.

"Heard that one before."

Ezra continued walking, ignoring his sister, who only found it amusing.

"Hey, is mom here to pick us up? Or is it dad this time?"

Ezra hummed, pulling out his phone to check the time and saw a message.

Mom ❤️
your fathers picking you up today since I'm still at work
you and Marcy better not fight while I'm gone

Ezra turned off his phone, and looked at her.

"Dads picking us up."

"He's taking forever," She said as they stopped in front of the parking lot.

Ezra shrugged, maybe he was.

But his mind was still on Anne, and Marcy could tell something was weighing on his mind.

"You're doing that stupid face that you do."

He turned to her and frowned, "No I'm not! Also what stupid face?!"

Marcy laughed, tucking their hands in her pockets.

"The one you do when you're thinking about something a little too hard."

He sighed in exasperation and waved her off.

While they talked more, their dads car pulled up in front of them, and they quickly rushed inside.

While Mr. Wu drove off, Ezra looked out the car window and saw Anne, walking on the sidewalk.

Marcy had seen him staring at the brunette and tilted her head.

Did he like this girl?

To be continued...

I Don't Want Him, I Want Her | Marcanne |Where stories live. Discover now