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Once Marcy looked up, she locked eyes with a familiar brunette that she had only seen once.

Time seemed to stand still for a moment, and neither of them even dared to move, they couldn't actually, since they were frozen in place.

Marcy couldn't help but study the girls features, the dark blue eyes she had, that reminded her of the ocean, the brown locks that made her look like a model, just as her eyes were drifting down, they heard a cleared throat, which pulled them both out of their little trance.

Marcy noticed her hands were still on the brunettes shoulders and quickly dropped them back to her side, not noticing the dust of red tinted on the girls cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, I should've watched where I was going! And I shouldn't have just been talking and not looking and—"

She eventually stopped talking once she was met with her soft eyes, Marcy didn't really understand what the look was for, but before she could overthink it, her brother spoke.

"Sorry about her, she's like annoyingly clumsy," He said, rolling his eyes.

The brunette shook her head, not even looking at him, and instead stared directly at Marcy.

"No... it's fine, klutz's are cute."

Marcy blinked, unsure what to make of that, while Ezra frowned.

"Oh? Well, uh I'm sorta clumsy sometimes!" He tried to say, but Anne spoke, cutting him off.

"Aren't you gonna introduce me to your friend?"

Ezra's face scrunched up, he looked offended.

"Friend? No, never. This is my sister, Marcy." He said, gesturing towards her, with a sour look on his face.

"Marcy, this is Anne, by the way." He muttered, and crossed his arms:

Anne grinned, and held out her hand, Marcy's eyes immediately went down to it and back to meet Anne's eyes again.

Marcy hesitantly reached out to shake her hand, and once they brushed, Anne felt her cheeks heating up, but she tried to ignore it as best as she can.

After a second, Marcy let go, much to Anne's disappointment.

"I like your eyes," The ravenette said, admiring the way Anne's eyes sparked up at the compliment.

"R-Really?" She asked, she always was complimented about her eyes, so usually it didn't affect her, but something about this compliment was different...

"Yeah! Of course, they're really pretty."

"You're really pre— I mean! Your eyes are also really pretty!" Anne said, stumbling over her own words.

The klutz didn't seem to hear the first part and only smiled warmly at the girl, which made it feel like Anne's insides turned to mush.

Ezra was a bit annoyed at how much of Anne's attention Marcy was getting, but before he could speak, someone had ran past him and before he could register who it was, they had jumped on Marcy's back.

Marcy stumbled immediately, trying to steady the sudden weight on her back, but she ended up failing and collapsing to the ground with the person on top of her.


She groaned in pain, and wondered who would be crazy enough to jump onto her weak back.

That was until she heard a loud laugh, and she opened her eyes, to be met with a grinning blonde.

"Hey! You held up longer this time, I think you're getting stronger,"

Sasha laughed again, Marcy didn't find it as funny as her though.

"I hate you," She muttered, while closing her eyes again.

Sasha only rolled her eyes playfully and went to ruffle Marcy's hair, which immediately annoyed her.

"Love you too, Wu."

Marcy kept trying to swat her hands away but since Sasha was stronger, she failed and ended up with hair that made her look like she just got out of bed.

"Sasha! Stop, you need to get up and stop messing around at your grown age," Marcy huffed.

"I'm only a few months older than you!"

"All I'm hearing is you're old."

Anne awkwardly stood there, Ezra had already left and she would've went along with him, if it wasn't for the fact she wanted to get to know Marcy better.

But it seemed Marcy knew this blonde girl better than Anne would've liked.

She felt this nagging feeling at her stomach, as the blondie tried to fix Marcy's hair and brushed it out of her eyes.

She hated it.

Anne was finally tired of having to stand and watch through this, so she cleared her throat, which made two pair of eyes look at her.

The first pair being green, that shone like emeralds, it was the prettiest eyes she's seen by far.

The second being light blue eyes, ones that dampened her mood.

She wondered if Marcy had a thing for blue eyes or not.

But before she could let her jealousy eat away at her, Marcy had got up, pushing Sasha off of her.

"Frog, Sasha, you weigh a ton..." Marcy murmured, and Sasha gasped dramatically.

Anne knew she probably wouldn't like this 'Sasha' girl, if she kept trying to be so touchy feely with Marcy.

But she'd have to deal with that later, because right now they were all heading inside the school doors.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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