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Once they had gotten home, Marcy wanted to make an attempt to talk to her brother, because a question was still weighing on her mind, but he had immediately went into his room.

He seemed weird, and she was sure that pretty brunette was the reason for his odd behavior.

She furrowed her brows and went to sit at the kitchen table.

Perhaps this girl was Ezra's girlfriend?

No, he would've bragged more if she was.

Marcy put a hand on her chin in thought, they didn't really know why they were so interested in this girl, it was just something about the pretty girl that stayed in her mind.

She was broken out of her thoughts when her father walked into the kitchen, he set his keys down and dug through the fridge, pulling out leftovers and walking over to Marcy.

"There's some leftover pizza, want some?" He asked, shaking the container in his hand.

Marcy stared at the food, she wasn't really hungry, even though she skipped lunch today.

And besides, reheating food takes away some of the flavor it originally had and changes the texture, so she probably wouldn't have eaten anyways.

"No thanks."

He nodded, pausing for a second before looking around.

"Where's Ezra? Does he want some food?"

"He's in his room, and I don't know, I'll go ask him."

She got up and walked past her dad, stopping in front of Ezra's room.

She opened the door, not bothering to knock, and walked in.

Ezra was laying down on his bed, staring at the ceiling, seemingly contemplating his life.

"You look like you're a middle aged man having a mid-life crisis right now."

He looked up at the sudden voice, after a second, he let out a breath and plopped his head back against the bed.

"...Dad asked if you wanted to something to eat?"

"Not hungry." He mumbled.

Marcy slowly nodded, she hesitated for a second before saying, "You okay?"

He stayed quiet for a second before closing his eyes and nodding, "Fine."

Marcy didn't really believe him, but she didn't wanna pester him.

"Okay... It can't possibly be as bad as that time you peed yourself in second grade when the teacher wouldn't let you go to the bathroom."

His ears turned red and he sprang to sit up, Marcy couldn't help but laugh as Ezra rolled his eyes, both out of annoyance and to try to look less embarrassed.

"That wasn't my fault though! Mrs. Karen should've let me use the restroom, like if I asked I needed to go! Who is she to tell me I don't?" He ranted.

Marcy stiffled her laugh, as Ezra huffed and crossed his arms, feigning anger.

She stopped laughing soon after and smiled instead, she was glad she could distract him from whatever was making him upset.

"You sure you're not hungry? There's pizza!"

Ezra hesitated before asking, "Leftover pizza or fresh pizza?"


"Ew, then no, still not hungry,"

Although he and Marcy weren't really similar, there a few things they had in common, like the fact they didn't like leftovers all that much.

"Kay, see ya later piss boy!" They said before shutting the door.

"Fuck off!" He yelled after her.

"Language!" Their father yelled.


The next day had arrived, Ezra was a little less sad than he was before.

Mrs. Wu had dropped them off at school, and they were walking together up the school stairs.

"Okay, it's pretty lame how we rarely have nachos, school food sucks most of the time, but nachos are always good!" Marcy said.

"I told you to bring your own food," He commented.

"Well that's exactly why I didn't! I don't need to be bossed around by you,"

"You're stupid,"

"Well, you're ugly!"

"We're twins, moron. That would make you ugly too!"

"Never said I wasn't, its fine as long as you're ugly too!"

Ezra shook his head as Marcy smiled satisfied that she had won.

While they were walking, someone bumped into Marcy, which made her jolt a little but try to steady herself and the person who had done it.

"Sorry!" They both said.

Once Marcy looked up, she locked eyes with a familiar brunette that she had only seen once.

To be continued...

I Don't Want Him, I Want Her | Marcanne |Where stories live. Discover now