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summary: Hailee and y/n used to be really good friends until they got into a fight, 3 years later they have a field trip and end up in the same room...

(ik it's a basic trope but i cant think of much rnnn 😫)

smut, drugs, alcohol
Hailees Pov:

It's Monday and you just woke up and look at your phone


it's already 8:00 your so late, you hop outta bed throw whatever's near you on, grab your keys and run out the door

you make it to school just as the second period bell rings
so you head to your locker grab some things and head to class

Somehow you end up being a min late

"we'll nice of you to join us Ms.Steinfeld" Mrs.Smith says with a look of disappointment on her face

"I'm sorry Miss, I won't be late again"

"you better not be, one more tardy and you have detention"

"yes ma'am" you say looking around relaxing al the seats are taken except the one next to y/n

'we'll this'll be fun' you think to yourself. You and her used to be so close, like you used to know everything about one an other, but after high school started she started to fade away, and not only fade away but start to hate you while she does.

"Hey... sorry there's no more seats but here" you say before sitting down

no response...

'she hates me more than I thought'

"Class! listen up, we're going on a class trip to Washington DC to see some classic monuments, whoever you are sitting with now are going to be your trip buddy's and there's no changing it I already wrote them down as soon as you were all seated, this trip is a huge part of your grade so If you don't go your gonna be stuck here writing a 100 page essay and no one's about to do that you don't have time to write it and I don't have time to read it"

You realize what she said in the beginning... 'who ever your sitting with is your partner' well fuck...

you look over to a red y/n already staring at you

"Oh you so fucked up, you know how stupid you are Hailee?!! Why would you sit next to ME of all people"

"Hey I didn't have anywhere else to sit and I didn't know we had a trip!!"

"well you better fix it because if you don't I'm gonna make this trip a living hell for you"

"Yea okayyy.. whatever you say y/l/n"

"shut it Steinfeld"
After that the day just went on,  talked to my friends and went to my classes

I went home early cause my last class was a free period and I didn't really have a reason to stay that day

You get home and decide to smoke cause your stressed out

Hailee Steinfeld ~ one shots ~Where stories live. Discover now