Fell in love with him💛 part -3 ( Valt X Bully Free )

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As per the part 2 :
Free has planned to make valt leave the school would he be successful in doing that
Yomi and Jess would come in between making more troubles in valts life

Let's continue the story then


At the school cateen:

"Wow just wow I never thought my first day in my dream school would be like this its worst then I thought...."said valt standing at food counter taking his meal.

Valt calm down....!! "I know the worst thing happened to you but see the positive side that me,you and Rantaro have become great friends now" said cuza supporting valt.

"Yaa I agree with cuza but still I am sad that I missed the drama in your class I can't believe that Free went against his own friends....!!" Said Rantaro being confused.

Hmm.... "it doesn't Matter why!! But I never want to encounter Free or his werid Friends ever in my life....!!" Valt said.

"Let's leave this topic now!! And concentrate on our food!!" Said cuza being unable to wait any longer.

Hehe.... "okay cuza let's go and take a seat near that window!!" Said valt pointing towards the seat with 3 chairs where they can have their food easily.

"Valt and his friends were walking towards their seat carrying their food."But in between Free had entered the cateen and intentionally pushed valt which made valt loose his balance so he fell on the ground which made the food which valt was carrying fell all over his clothes."

This made every students in the cateen area to laugh at valt but some were also feeling guilty for him.

"HEY.....WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM DUDE????" Rantaro shouted at Free.

"Silence....I have my ears no need to speak soo loud" said Free not caring about what he just did.

"How can we be quite when you had purposely pushed our Friend do you expect us to be quite??" Cuza said looking at valt and helping him to get up.

Free now looked at valt who was trying to look down as he was embarrassed for being pushed down and laughed by others.

Oh... "Are you talking about him?? Sorry but he is too short that I didn't see him by passing....!!"Said Free having a attitude in his words.

"YOU.... HEARTLESS.....!!" Rantaro was about to punch Free but valt stopped him on time.

"Rantaro please He has a problem with me please don't get involved in this I don't want my friends to be hurted" said valt pleasingly so Rantaro had backed off.

"Free de la Hoya.... I don't know what problem you have with me but don't you dare think I am going to give up by your games on me....!!" Said valt trying to be brave but he was controlling his tears.

Haha....!! "Look a crying Baby is threatening me by his words I think it's the wrong place you have joined you should in the kindergarten why now!!" Said Free laughing crazily others who are in side of Free also started to tease valt.

"Free your crossing your limits!! How can you just treat valt like this when he hasn't done anything to you....!!" Said Cuza side hugging valt as he was crying uncontrollably.

I don't care giving anyone my explanation I do what I like and don't take others Feelings......!!
"Now listen everyone over here if any of the student try to be Friends with Valt Aoi I swear that I won't leave anyone of you as your going against my will and everyone of you very well know that going against my words means making the way to your own tortures......!!" Free said loudly making sure that everyone listen.

"By listening to this valt burst into more tears...!!"Cuza was feeling sorry for valt!!...'Rantaro was trying not to murder free because valt was holding him back.'

Free smriked being glad for his plan to work out and went from there leaving valt who was being a crying mess now he looked broken by everything.

Every other student ignored valt as they are scared to go against Free who has the whole power on the school
Some other students were still joking out for valts condition.

I AM SORRY.....!! "Rantaro cuza I am really sorry because of me you have to face all this it's all my fault!! It was really great to have friends like you both... but I think that no other students will ever talk to you both because of mee... SO PLEASE FORGET ABOUT ME I AM HAPPY TO BE ALONE I DON'T WANT YOU BOTH TO SUFFER WITH ME!!....." said Valt trying to smile at Rantaro and cuza but all his emotions were fake.


Yess... "valt!! Rantaro is right we can't loose such a precious Friendship of us it doesn't Matter how many we are but our friendship is true!! If we promise to be on your happy events we had also promised to be on your sad days!!" Said Cuza trying to convince valt who was just standing there emotionless.

SORRY..... "For breaking your words but I am WORST FRIEND ever that anyone has I always get into troubles..... its better to be staying away from me....I just want to be alone now!!" said valt trying to walk out from there but Rantaro and cuza has stopped valts way.

"PLEASE GUYS UNDERSTAND ME PLEASE..... "valt shouted looking serious with tears in his eyes. Rantaro and cuza looked shocked and unwillingly got out of valts way as they don't want to hurt him further.

Valt had ran away from the cateen he can't able to see anything because of tears running down from his eyes and he even doesn't know where he was heading too....!!


Short one continue in 4th part.....!!
I may update only short parts thank you for waiting 😊💛

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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