You just went too far

244 9 1

Tw- physical, emotional abuse 💪

Again I know nothing about baseball 😭


The day of my baseball game, this game determined the out come for everything, but mainly on how my parents would treat me, would they shower me with love or would they belittle me. I was nervous obviously, I looked out into the crowd to see my parents sitting at the top of the bleachers, Amy sat next to them. The couch was giving the team a prep talk telling us to do a good job and stuff.

The game started and a few of my team mates went first, finally it was my turn and I was sweating, I couldn't even hold the bat correctly and I was breathing heavy, no no bruce you can't have a panic attack right now, I tried to focus my breathing making it as steady as possible, they we're finally ready and I got into position.

The pitcher threw the ball and I swung the bat, but no noise was heard the only thing I noticed were the words "strike one" I had missed, my team mates told me it was ok and I got into position again, I looked over at my parents to see my mom shaking her head while my dad stared at me, before I could turn away from the bleachers I noticed strangely familiar blond curly hair.

I looked over to the far left of the bleachers to see the blond headed boy I shared a few classes with, Vance hopper. He stood there in a black tank top and jeans, his long blond hair pulled back into a bun, you could actually see his face. His icy blue eyes stared down at me sending shivers down my spin, why was Vance hopper here? Was he watching me or for someone else?

"Strike 2" i blinked looking around at my surroundings, I didn't even notice the ball fly passed my face, my heart dropped as I realized I only had one last chance to show my parents that I was good enough. One chance bruce get your head in the game, I stood up straight taking a deep breath before getting into position again.

"Come on Bruce" I said to myself, I needed to hit this ball, I needed to prove to my parents i was good, I needed the Freedom from the hitting....the pitcher got into position throwing the ball, I gripped the bat harder preparing myself before swinging, the crowd screamed, my teammates screamed but the only thing I could hear was my heartbeat.

There was no sound for a couple of seconds, my breath was hitched as I glanced behind me, the words I dreaded to hear "strike 3" my heart dropped, that was it the other team won, I glanced over at my parents who were standing up getting ready to leave, I could feel my breathing quicken, that was it my freedom was gone I looked around at my teammates who were trying to tell me it was ok but I couldn't hear them, I walked away running to the bathrooms.

Going to the very last stall I slammed the door, slowly sliding down it, tears fell down my face and I started to hiccup a bit, I wondered how they were going to treat me this time, were they going to just yell at me for small things, hit me, ground me, my mind came up with scenario after scenario on what might happen.

The last time I lost mother slapped me for "lying" and I mean it wasn't as bad as what they did when I get a grade under a B+ but it was still bad, I occasionally was hit this a belt or wooden spoon depending on what she could grab first. More tears streamed down my cheeks, I knew I was gonna be sore tomorrow, i was going to have bruises on my arms and back which mean I had to wear a long sleeve or jacket in this 90 degree heat. I took a deep breath in before letting it out through my mouth quietly.

I heard the bathroom door open and close, heavy footsteps made their way over to my stall, I cover my mouth hoping they couldn't hear me, usually people never did and when they would try the stall I was it they would just walk away realizing it was occupied. I scooted away from the stall door going over to the wall. I was now able to see their shoes which were some very dirty brown boots, they stopped right in front of the stall door.

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