The hardest day

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The next day , nana came to class and sit at her place and saw the tree with is opposite to her by the window. when nana was walking on the corridor she saw ling and his new girlfriend was fighting for some reasons , so his girlfriend got anger towards ling. so ling talked to his girlfriend and he was making her anger gone by buying chocolates and gifts . when nana saw these she felt so bad and talking to that tree by heart to heart. Nana saying to tree" I am unlucky, you know today what I saw . I saw ling convincing to his girlfriend by giving chocolates and gifts but when we loved each other , if I got anger towards him he will get anger and stop talking to me . He didn't bought me any gifts and I bought to him . But I have seen him using my gifts one or two times only . Today I saw him with these and made my heart buried with alive. I feel to cry hard but I couldn't able to cry . Do you know one thing by the past 2 months whatever ling did for his girlfriend I felt like I lost a precious person in my life . Now I feel like you are the only person I have now to talk about my feeling because I can't tell these to my friends dal and lei if I tell to them they will get hurt so I won't tell to them . Atleast can you be with me forever , forever means till my lifetime "

Then dal came near to nana and asked to her " couldn't you able to forgot about it nana" nana replied " I Loved him with my true heart ,so it is not easy to forgot about him ." dal replied to nana "mmm....". Then lei came and both lei and dal changed the topic for nana to make her smile a bit . but it failed.

After a while , nana was sitting on the stairs and writing the daily account with another shop keeper. when she was writing it ling came suddenly and started scolding nana . Nana doesn't understand why he is scolding her. Nana asked to ling " what did I do , why are you scolding me " ling replied to nana" hoo ! you did the work well and now you are making yourself a honest girl " nana asked him with anger tone " what did I do to you answer this for me " ling replied " hah stop , who gave you the permission to tell our ex love story to my new girlfriend ," . nana replied to him " see I didn't even talked to her at the stationary works also then how can I tell , why should I tell to her . its none of my business " ling replied to nana " I won't trust you so now go with my girlfriend and tell to her that whatever you have told to her are all lie ." nana replied " who asked you to trust me , why do I want to ask permission to you for my personal business , who are you to give me order . ling replied to nana " I don't know what you will do , you should say that sentence to her by today. " nana replied okay.

Nana went to ling's girlfriend and told " wait for me I want to tell you something " she replied okay . But nana went to home without waiting for her . The next day , when nana came to class , ling's girlfriend asked to nana " what do you want to tell nana" nana replied " hoo sorry I forgot about it " then nana left from that place and went to do shopkeeper work .

Ling came towards nana " why did you made her wait for you yesterday . she waited for you and went to center all alone and you didn't told to her " nana replied to ling " its your girlfriend I don't have any business with her she is just my classmate . do your business with your girlfriend and don't ever come towards me " After nana told and she left .

Dal and lei were seeing these things when nana came towards them and turned suddenly when duri sir came . nana asked to duri sir " sir now I can't able to do my shopkeeper work , so I want to quit it sir , ling know all about the stationary things so no worry about it . " duri sir told " okay nana ".

Then duri sir called ling and said" from now on nana will not be the shopkeeper so you need to take care of it ling " . Ling asked " sir are you joking , nana didn't told anything to me about this sir ". duri sir replied " she only came and told to me you can ask to her" . Ling went towards nana and asked her " did you stopped begin shopkeeper ?". Nana replied " yes". Ling asked nana " why did you do this ?" . Nana replied " because of that yesterday incident " Ling said " do quit because of me , I will quit it ". Nana replied " not only for this , I can't able to forgot you " . Ling replied " mmm " . Nana replied" you should only take care of that " Ling replied okay and went to do his works .

When nana went to her home , there was a current cut . Nana was standing near to balcony at the house door . Near the house door there was step for going outside . When nana was standing there, nana's mom's mother was sitting down between the step and balcony . Nana's younger brother was playing with nana by mistake he pushed nana towards the balcony wall , to protect nana's forehead she stepped into her grandma's leg . Her grandmother started crying by the little pain .

When nana's grandmother started to cry , nana mom came towards nana and gave her slap without thinking that if nana didn't kept the leg she will be at hospital by now . Without thinking about nana , her mom and started scolding her . So when nana's mom slapped her infront of her grandmother she poured the water in her mother's face and went out without changing the school dress.

When nana was going with anger ,nana's father's mom(grandma), was calling nana to come back home but she refused to her grandma by saying sorry grandma for not hearing your words. Nana went to the beach and sit silently on the stone and seeing the ocean with a heart break .

Nana telling to the ocean " Sometimes you look silent and lovely and being patient in all the times makes us feel ourself as a fool. But when you get anger and you will show some signals that you are anger but people around us think that you are silent in all the days then what can you do if you got anger . But on the correct time where no one thinks about you , you show your real strength and people can't do anything but getting afraid of you . And then you will calm yourself . Now I want to like you , whatever people says about me , talk about me ,think about me , let them think because even my parents doesn't know my strength and the power of my anger. From now on wards I am going to be like you and make them teach a moral that whoever talks about me badly and whoever left me because I of I am not beautiful I will make them feel that ,they lost some precious thing in their life , and it won't come back to them if they do anything also. Thank you ocean you are my best friend in my life ever . I am going to home now I am little hungry but I don't want to eat . Okay bye bye "

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