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the games you played

were never fun

RONNIE MICHAELS WAS FAST asleep with cherry red lipstick smearing a quarter of the way up her cheek

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RONNIE MICHAELS WAS FAST asleep with cherry red lipstick smearing a quarter of the way up her cheek. A half full glass of wine was laying dangerously close to the end of her nightstand, waiting to be knocked over by the hungover girl.

Her head was pounding rhythmically against the silk pillow underneath her, and surprisingly, it had somehow not been stained by her smudged lipstick. Though, that didn't necessarily mean the same for the mascara that was currently threatening to do the job for it.

It was currently 8AM, the sun beaming through the almost closed blinds — hitting the blonde directly. And despite it not being much, it was enough to make her wake from it, leading her to groan in response, holding up her hand and swishing it in the air, somehow hoping that it would make the blinds shut on its own.

it didn't.

"Liam, close the blinds," her voice cracked into each word, her eyes desperately squinting shut to avoid the light. "Liam." She repeated his name, due to the lack of response. But as it went silent again, Ronnie glided her hand to the opposite side of the bed, feeling nothing but wrinkled sheets hitting her fingers.

her eyes opened reluctantly.

And as she moved her gaze, while also flinching at her growing headache, to where her hand laid — Ronnie internally cursed as she saw Liam nowhere in sight.

The blonde closed her eyes, letting a deep sigh escape her tainted lips as she opened them once more, and took all her strength to pull off the thick covers that held her down.

Ronnie was stiff when she tried to move, slightly wobbly as she placed her feet against the hardwood flooring. And when she had finally gained enough courage to fully stand, Ronnie squealed as she fell to the floor, her head remaining a dizzy mess from the alcohol still being in her system.

"Liam?" She tried once more, calling out to her boyfriend. But as the sound of her breathing was the only thing she could hear, Ronnie bit back her lip as she used the frame of her bed to help her stand.

She swayed once, then once more. But as she held her hands in front of her, somewhat balancing herself, Ronnie steadily took small steps to the bathroom, keeping her eyes on the ground as she was scared to trip over... well, anything.

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