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givin' you what

you're beggin' for

THE GROCERY STORE WAS PACKED with panicked families gathering last minute items they need for the Thanksgiving holidays

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THE GROCERY STORE WAS PACKED with panicked families gathering last minute items they need for the Thanksgiving holidays.

Ronnie could hear kids crying, parents reading aloud their lists, the constant beeping from the checkout machine. She saw a few workers hiding in the corner, others hiding behind the deli — all holding terrified looks on each of their faces.

It was the day of Thanksgiving and Ronnie personally didn't have anything in mind to buy. However, she hated to go to a party empty handed. So, with an empty basket in her hand, Ronnie slowly moved passed people and carts, scanning the almost empty shelves.

Pastries were her best bet, she assumed. Though, due to the crowd in that specific area, Ronnie didn't think it was worth messing up her makeup. The blonde didn't even like pumpkin pie anyways — she'd much rather have a cake. And knowing those options were all probably limited, Ronnie decided that a few orange frosted cookies would be totally fine. Especially since they all had a cheap, plastic turkey rings decorated on them, something she assumed Jess would appreciate.

she just had to get through the line.

Ronnie dug through her closet, throwing down any shirt or sweater that had even the slightest fall color on it. Typically, she didn't care about what she wore today, due to the fact she'd usually be stuck at a sweaty bar. But now that she was actually going somewhere else, a new stress had hit her.

Two sweaters, which would look identical to anyone else, sat next to the other on her partially made bed. And Ronnie groaned as she looked to each one, not knowing which would suit her better. When she thought she'd made a decision, she'd take it back just as quickly, thinking of why the other would be better. And when she thought picking out the pants first could make her decision easier, it only led her to bring my shirt options into the mix.

she peaked at the time.

"Oh, fu—"

"You made it!" Jess' voice immediately erupted as Ronnie came out of the elevator. And before she could take another step, the blonde gasped, watching as Jess dropped a huge, unmade turkey onto the floor to bring the girl into a hug.

"Oh!" Ronnie winded out, holding the container to the side to stop them from being squished as well. "I brought—"

"—I need to tell you something," Jess rushed out, immediately cringing at the fact she interrupted the girl, "Sorry, this is just important." She awkwardly laughed, playing with the colorful rings on her finger. "I have roommates."

Ronnie nodded to her words, fully expecting another sentence to follow. But as Jess simply stared at her, she unsurely looked back, "okay?"

"And they totally don't know you're coming," She continued, her quick sentences coming back into play. "They actually don't even celebrate Thanksgiving, but I'm going to change that!"

"Uhm," Ronnie responded quietly, glancing to her feet. "Would they be made if I... was here?"

"What? what. No. No, of course not!" Jess lightly stammered, trying to hide the awkwardness in her tone. "I'm actually going to talk to them right now," She lightly explained, struggling to pick up the large turkey. Ronnie slowly followed behind her.

"What do you—?"

"Just stay..." Jess turned to her, "Right here," She smiled, leaving a confused Ronnie in the hallway as she, and what Ronnie assumed was her roommates, talked quite loudly inside.

"I went to five grocery stores and I got the last turkey in America!" Ronnie heard Jess quite clearly, along with the loud thump of what was thought to be the turkey, once again, being dropped by the girl.

"No, Jess, we are not doing Thanksgiving," A man's voice sounded next. "We talked about this. We're just gonna watch football, drink beer.. and then we are going to Best Buy for Black Friday."

"Or as I like to call it," A new voice appeared, "Friday."

ronnie furrowed her brows.

"Look, it's our thing Jess. Dudesgiving." Another guy said. At this point, Ronnie lost count of how many men Jess was actually talking too.

"I don't care how many emails you send," One of the men started talking again, "That is not a thing."

"It's real man!"

"We're not calling it that."

"That's what I'm calling it."


"Look," Jess' voice finally appeared again and Ronnie couldn't help but lean closer into the door, trying to hear her over the bickering. "I'm just cooking dinner for you guys and," Ronnie could barely hear her at this point.



"Did you say and Ronnie?" A guy's voice appeared once more. And after hearing her name, Ronnie suddenly felt her face flush from embarrassment. "Who's Ronnie?" He asked, though, Ronnie didn't hear a response. "Did you invite someone named Ronnie to our house?"

"Yes I did!" Ronnie could finally hear her. "And I made her wait behind the door until I convinced you guys it was okay!" Jess continued enthusiastically, her steps becoming louder than her words as she stepped towards the door.

"Ronnie's a girl?" She could hear someone ask, though, she couldn't make out who as the door was abruptly opened, revealing her to the rest of the group.

"This is Ronnie," Jess pointed to the girl, leading for Ronnie to awkwardly wave in response. "I met her at a gas station, she seems really nice—"

"Jess, what did we say about inviting people over that you meet at gas stations?"

"Nick!" She hushed him quickly, "Be nice!" She tried to mouth, yet, everyone could hear it.

"You've.... done this before?" Ronnie looked to the girl wildly, "How many people have you given your address too?"

"Don't answer that."

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