In dedication to Peggy McKay
Saint Luke's church
Kayla - thank you all for coming tonight, I know I speak for my brothers and sister as I stand up here to remember our mom. What do you say when you are writing a eulogy for the best mom on the face of the earth? first of all she wasn't just a mom, she was a grandmother , a friend , a fighter who stood by you weather you made the right or the wrong choice , always with sound advice. She was the shoulder you lean on, the open door you went home to with the meanest bowl of clam chowder ready and waiting to sit at the table with you to listen to all your troubles as she buried her own. Do you know why, that's who she was. The constant care giver, she would take care of a grandchild's scraped knee, at the same time as running the pub and helping every single one of her children.
Her love unwavering, she loved us all unconditionally. She had the patience of a saint ! And boy did she need to with the 4 of us ! (Kayla smiles at Bo, Kim and Roman ) Each of us off on adventures , in trouble , or danger be it together or apart. Mom knew and she would fight tooth and nail for us to return. Return home to where we all felt safe. Now it's mom's turn as she joins pop up in heaven, I’m sure she is with pop and they are looking down on us and smiling. We love you and will carry on your memory , traditions , strength , faith , determination and most of all love for the rest of the days of our lives.
Roman - why did I have go 2nd ?! How do I follow that ?! (Everyone in the church chuckles ) Ma she was all these things Kay talked about. But not just to us, you could walk into the pub on any given day and she would take a stranger in off the street who may be down on their luck and Ma would feed them, multiple times if needed. A couple of them she turned into more than just someone we would feed here and there , they turned into family. (Camera pans to max and Frankie ) With Ma you didn't need to be blood to be family. Her love had no boundaries, that's who Mom was.
Kim - our mom. She had nerves of steel. She never faltered. If she did she hid it well. She was our eyes when we couldn't see, our voice when we couldn't speak, our strength when we were weak. She stood by us, stood up for us sometimes to people so much bigger then her and not just in stature. Her love never ending, her heart always true. None of us are perfect, not even Mom, but she was pretty damn close. That was our mom
Bo - clears his throat, looks at Hope , who gives him a wink and a nod. Last night I sat down with my wife for hours we looked through pictures, she tried to help me remember everything she could about my mom. She helped me write my eulogy. But I’m not going to need to read the one Hope helped me to write (Bo folds up the paper he has the eulogy written on and puts it in his pocket) as I sat here today and looked around at everyone here in this church and listened to my brother and sisters speak many of my memories of mom came back on their own. I remember when I first found out that Pop wasn't my biological father, I was hard on her, too hard, but Ma she wouldn't let me push her away , she wouldn't let me shut down, she wouldn't ever give up on me. Not ever, not even for a second. When I made mistakes and I made many she would be give me hell for it and then help try and find a solution. I remember a time I screwed things up really bad with that one right there (Bo looks at Hope) man mom she was so upset, mad at me, she sat me down and she pointed me in the right direction. I would not be the man that stands here before you all, without her. I love you mom///////////////
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The Return of Bo Brady
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