Chapter Three

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"Lea." You hummed, looking out into the road as you sighed out dramatically. Recalling the name of your soon to be ex girlfriend. Katya only nodded in response.

You suddenly felt the urge to do something you hadn't done in over a year, and with the help of the narcotics in your system, you acted on it. Sliding over, you pressed up against Katya and rested your head on her cloth clad shoulder, some of her hair caught between your cheek and her collarbone. Your lungs filled with her familiar scent, your heart released a sigh of relief with the comforting feeling.

Katya tensed slightly before accepting her fate and just continuing on with a third cigarette, only the clicking of her lighter and the crackle of her cigarette filling the silence. She waited a few moments before daring to speak, not wanting to scare you away after Katya, herself became attached to the feeling of your head pressed against her shoulder. "Why aren't you more upset your relationships going to shit?" She asked, glancing down at you, smoke pillowing from between her lips only a few inches from your face.

You thought about it for a minute- thought about maybe lying to make her jealous, or saying something to protect her feelings- but instead you decided to just spit out the truth.

"I don't even know- I just don't feel anything..." you explained defeatedly. "Is she hot as fuck? Yes. Is she as dumb as she looks? %100." You stated with a grin, Katya finally laughing lowly over the stupid joke. "I just can't do relationships! People are too boring to keep me interested- I think that's my problem- with you, I was always interested. Your fucking crazy- like bad shit- to the point that you scare me... but the rest of the world is so mundane and I'd rather be scared with you than bored out of my mind with someone else." Your head stayed planted on Katya's shoulder and your hands found their way to the hem of her dress and busied themselves fiddling with it. You listened carefully as Katya breathed in and out, her heart beat off the chart.

"Your the crazy one Mary, you totally got bored of me." Katya added, raising her drawn on brows as she ashed her cigarette, tapping it with her pointer finger.

You snapped up from your relaxed position against her to look her in the eyes, her pupils the size of saucers and your faces only centimetres apart. "I was never bored of you. I was scared." You stated firmly, staring into Katya's crystal blue eyes before darting your gaze down to her parted lips.

You knew you wouldn't end up kissing her, but you definitely wanted to. You wanted to do so many things to her all the time and due to the year you'd gone without seeing her, facing her straight on made resisting those urges much more difficult. Not to mention the fact that you hadn't broken up with Lea yet and did not intend to make the same mistake twice.

"I don't blame you." Katya stated simply, an expression that emulated the energy of a shoulder shrug- complete understanding mixed with indifference. "I was terrified, but when I was scared I cried to you, not some stranger from a bar." She snipped, one of the only shady things you'd ever heard Katya say.

"I've always been the shoulder to cry on. I don't know how to play the other part." You hummed, pulling you mouth into a tight lipped smile as Katya nodded slowly.

"Are you still friends with Violet?" Katya asked, cautiously changing the subject. You shook your head, feeling a lump form in your throat over the mention of your friend.

Your words caught in your throat as you went to speak, wanting to escape, but not being quite ready to leave. Katya took notice to this and her hand snapped forward to rest comfortably on your knee. "Ah- no... um. She's... well she's not right for me- her priority's are set... plus I'm a little bit of a cunt." You spoke nervously until the last sentence, only throwing it in in an attempt to lighten the mood. Katya broke into a solemnly gentle smile as she nodded, only the sound of your breath present in the air.

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