Chapter Nine

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"Are you ok?" Brian asked, his blue eyes burning into your temple.

It was simple question really; were you ok. And though you knew he was referring to your state of mind after having just came intensely and done something you never had before, but your mind couldn't help wander farther than that.

You were hopelessly in love. So hopelessly, in fact, that you made just about the stupidest mistakes you had ever made in your life just to scare away the very person who had become your weakness - or rather - the person who made your knees shake and your heart throb just enough to make you want to be weak with hun rather than strong alone.

Only then did you realize how much Brian's presence alone affected your recent decisions.

"No..- obviously I feel fucking amazing- but no..." you scoffed matter of factly, eyes trained on the roof, staring at the blank white ceiling almost searching for something you were too scared to find in Brian's eyes. Brian sighed, adjusting slightly in the bed and moving to lay on his back. "I'm still in love with you. In fact, I'm so in love with you, that I broke up with my girlfriend and screamed bloody murder for her to leave me because when I touched her I didn't feel you. So fucking in love with you, that I got sober two days after seeing you because you reminded me why I wanted to be healthy and why I wanted to be able to feel naturally happy- and sad- every good and every shitty emotion! And I'm so madly in love with you that I'm yelling at the roof because if I look at you I'd cry and wouldn't be able to get any of this shit out!" You ranted, your tone and voice gradually becoming less hushed as you spoke, the emotion gaining in your chest and your heart building up considerable speed.

You panted, holding tears and a rather monstrous panic attack in the lump stuck in your sore throat.

Brian's hand slipped across your stomach and gripped your hip, silently allowing his warmth to slip over your tender skin.

Suddenly you were back in your old apartment, a warm steam was clouding the room and you were perched on the bathroom counter...

"Do you feel like talking about what happened?" You pressed, finally breaking the silence. Brian's eyes snapped open from their previous calm position. Eventually he took a deep breath and sighed, his face scrunching as he held back tears.

"I don't know what fucking happened. I've been in my head so much these past few days-" he croaked, his voice finally cracking and the walls of his composure breaking down as he once again began to cry. "I just saw the chance and I took it I guess. After I flipped out and realized what was going on, I just walked around. I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls." Brian explained, choking up with each word until he was hiccuping and sobbing hysterically.

You quickly slid off of the counter, tearing off your clothes as fast as physically possible, until you were stepping into the shower and hugging Brian's muscular frame from behind. He immediately flipped around to hug you back, holding onto you as if you were a buoy in the middle of a storm. "I'm so sorry, (Y/N).." he cried.

"Don't be. I care about you too much to let you apologize for letting me realize just how much I appreciate you in my life. I couldn't do this without you and I know Trixie definitely couldn't either." You hummed, holding his face in your hands. "You should get some sleep. It's been a rough day." Reaching behind him, you shut off the water and ended the tender moment, savouring the closeness and intimacy of the situation if not still in complete shock.

You gasped, as you realized the tears rolling down your face.

You had remained a rock for as long as possible and the bricks you had so simply stacked around yourself began to crack and the walls that once stood steadfastly, crumbled to the ground around you.

Same Game: Different Devils - Katya Zamolodchikova x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now