Chapter Four

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Trixie's POV

"I can't keep watching this happen!" Trixie groaned, running his hand over his head as he stood in his living room- too anxious to breathe and too riled up to sit down. David rigidly stood on the other side of the room, having been attempting to calm his boyfriend down for the past three hours. "What do I do? I have to DO something!" He huffed, his own emotions exhausting him to the point he became light headed.

David took a deep breath and caught his boyfriends gaze, the both of them staring at each other with wide eyes. "You do so fucking much Brian. You do too much, in fact. But you can't stop this, Katya is sick- (Y/N) is sick, and only they can decide to get better. Kat has done it before and she can do it again." David explained carefully, articulating each and everyone of his words diligently in order to make his point clear and get through the heap of emotion his boyfriend had become. Trixie's bottom lip began to quiver and his eyes filled with tears, his shoulders dropped in defeat. "Come hug me." David sighed, holding his arms out.

Trixie quickly rushed over to envelope his boyfriend in a tight embrace, shuttering as a tear rolled down his cheeks. He squinted his eyes shut tightly, muffling his face in David's familiar warmth as he felt a sob rack forcefully through his body.

Trixie loved the both of his friends so incredibly much. Sure he'd known Katya much longer, but (Y/N) had become like his little sister, and through the last year he lived with out her, he only realized how much both he, David and especially Katya loved the woman.

She was really amazing and capable of such great things. (Y/N) had the ambition of Trixie and, to her own dismay, the humour and addictive personality of the one and only Katya. Trixie despised the fact that he attracted such destructive people, but when he had seen the two together, it was as if everything made sense.

The day they broke up, Katya cried for hours- Trixie even shed some tears- but that day was nothing compared to the following. Those were the days when Katya slept shallowly on Trixie couch, cuddled up with (Y/N)'s shirt as a pillow case, or the dull nature of Katya's eyes every time he steeped out for a cigarette and realized (Y/N) wasn't coming with him. Trixie tried to joke around and keep things light, but even he would make the mistake of leading on an open joke and waiting expectantly for (Y/N) to snap back cockily.

She'd become part of their lives and both Trixie and David found themselves struggling when the reunion they had been waiting for, turned into a yelling match between people who you could barely call friends.

"I miss them... I miss my family..." Trixie mumbled, not even opening his eyes in fear this whole ordeal was actually happening and it wasn't all just a bad dream.

"I miss them too, babe." David sighed, holding his boyfriend in strong arms- far stronger than they felt- even David want to melt into his mattress and only wake once everything was sorted.

But, sadly enough, that wasn't how this worked.

Tomorrow the pair would still take to social media as though nothing had happened and post all about the project they had been so busily working on, using this whole motel scheme as one big distraction from their real lives.

"Do you remember when I first booked her? When I became her client?" Trix asked, pulling back from David to wipe away his tears. Trixie took on a solemn smile as David shook his head. "I was so excited- she's so good at what she does... people know (Y/N) (L/N). I remember not believing how funny she was because she was also gorgeous and completely smart..." Trixie explained shakily, smirking as he reminisced, picturing the exact moment of the revelations he'd described.

"Hi! You must be (Y/n). It is so awesome to meet you!" Trixie grinned, reaching out to shake (Y/N) hand enthusiastically and then pulling a chair up to Brian's side of the table. Under all that enthusiasm was a ball of nerves, but Trixie couldn't let that show. He was slightly starstruck, in all actuality, (Y/N) was an important woman and she had been apart of great things. "I have heard so much about your work, and if I get the chance I am just completely, over the moon to get to work with you!" He spoke, holding his hands up to show his excitement.

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