#36 Carlos - Secret marrige

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IZZY POV.: It's First race weekend of the 2023 season, another one in Bahrain. I managed to fly there on Wednesday night, so just ahead of the Media day on Thursday. After getting all my luggage at the airport, I found Caco waiting for me next to his car. Smiling, I came to him, and then we greeted each other with a hug, before he helped me load the bags inside, and then we got into the car.
-It's really nice to see you Iz.
-You too Caco. How is Carlos?
-Waitng for you at the hotel.. He's so excited that he wanted to pick you up himself, but me and Rupert managed to change his mind..- his words made me chuckle, as we drove to the hotel.
-I bet. I missed him so much too... All of you guys really.. It was way too calm in the house when you left!- this time I made him laugh. After that we just drove, catching up a bit on how things have been ever since they left for tasting. It was really nice...

Before I knew it, we parked at the hotel and left the car, to check in. Or more precisely to go to Carlos's room.
-Ey, Izzy?
-Before I forgot, here is the key...- Caco said, giving me the other card to his cousin's hotel room.
-Gracias Caco. You coming with me?
-Nah, you need to catch up alone.. I'mma talk for a bit with Rupert and Andrea...- over the three years of sharing the garage, both Rupert and Caco made really good friends with Charles's trainer, Andrea Ferrari, and it's really nice to watch.
-Ok. See you tomorrow then...
-Yeah. Buenas noches..- he replied, we gave each other a tight but brief hug when we made it to our floor, and then parted ways. I found the room easly, gold 055 on black door stood out perfectly well, making me happy. Instead of saying anything, I unlocked the door with the key-card and let myself in.
-Caco?! Eres tu?- he yelled, probably from the bathroom. I just smiled and didn't say anything, opting on putting my luggage aside. It must've alarm him, as just a minute later Carlos opened, indeed the bathroom door and his eyes met mine.
-Izzy?!- he was really shocked and confused. To be fair, I told him that it's more than likely that I won't be able to join him this weekend at all...
-Surprise...?!- I said, not sure. Instead of answering, Carlos came to me and hugged me tight.
-I missed you...
-I missed you too Cariño- I exhaled loudly and snuggled as close as possible to him. We stayed like that for a few minutes, soaking up each others presence -Wanna cuddle in bed?
-You know I'm always down for cuddles- I smiled brightly at him, and then we went to bed, to make ourselves comfortable and rest for the night, before bussy weekend.
-You're gonna come with me to the paddock tomorrow?- he asked after some time of silence, looking me deeply in the eye.
-Of course. Why else I'd fly here so early?!- I smirked at him, and then giggled as he pulled of a funny face.
-Te quiero..
-Yo tambien te quiero- he said back and then we kissed sweetly for a bit, before falling asleep. Tomorrow will be eventfull day....

We woke up around 8:30 AM, made our morning routines and then met Caco and Rupert in the restaurant for breakfast. The atmosphere is rather light and hopefull, as the pace during testing looked quite promising.
After half an hour we packed and left the hotel to go to the track, as we drove in one car, with Caco and Rupert in the backseat and Carlos behind the wheel. Without thinking, I reached out and took his hand in mine, placing it on the gear-stick, earning myself a smile and soft and sweet kiss on the palm of my hand.
-Everyone is going to have one hell of a surprise in the paddock when they learn you two got married in secret- Rupert said, grinning. That's true, we're married for almost 3 months now, and I couldn't be happier about it. He just is my person...
-And I'm all ready for any questions!- Carlos replied, looking at his friend in review mirror with broad smile on his face. The expression I want to see every single day...
-You really want to announce it on the first race weekend in the calendar?- I was sceptic.
-I won't hide it, mi Amor. But I'm not gonna do a huge fuss about it too. They find out, they'll. if not, they won't, how about that?!- he shot me a playfull look.
-Sounds like a plan. You won't give Silvia a heart attack for once..!?- my comment made Carlos chuckle.
-But I won't take the ring off. It's not against the regulations to wear it, so it stays- he pointed out his end of the deal.
-Fine with me- I agreed and chuckled at his little victorious dance. It was really cute. My dork...
Soon after that we made it to the paddock, parked the car and took our belongings with us. Rupert and Caco went first, while we took our time, talking and holding hands without a single care in the world, happy as ever. Even the photographers talking lots of pictures of us weren't a big deal. We only had eyes for one another...
Around the hospitality we seperated and my Carlito went with Silvia to do his media, while all three of us chilled in the team building. Since then, i had a feeling something, might happen, but found out a bit later...

Sudenly my phone started to go off really bad, making me wonder what was that all about.  To check that, i took it from my bag and unlocked it. I saw right away that it was all social media. After that i had pretty good idea what's going on, but went to Twitter to check anyway...
Seeing all the posts i got tagged in just confirmed my suspition.
-And?- Rupe asked, looking curious.
-Nothing... Just fans spotted Carlos's wedding ring...- I said casualy, feeling a bit nauseus inside. We knew what we're getting into by even dating each other, but now!? It's HUGE hipe...
-Everything will be alright- Caco assured me and gave me a brief hug.
-Isn't it what you wanted? To everyone to know to not need to hide?
-Si.. pero no- I replied and smiled, looking dreamly at my ring. It's still a bit surreal even though it's been 3 months...- But we can't focus on that now. The hipe will die down eventualy, but Carlos needs good start of the season, to count in the fight for the championship! Thats the main thing now- I said and both of them agreed with me. Carlos is the most important right now, with this race weekend to begin with...

Looks like "Mr & Mrs Sainz" made journalists a run for their money on this one...
Let's hope the attention focused on them will die down soon...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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