What's a good way to describe..life? I don't know about you and your fairy tale world, but I'd call mine a black abyss with a trampoline in it, you know? If you try to jump high enough with the right momentum you can see light- more so the outside world, society, but is it really worth the jumps?
I don't think so, Our society is as fucked up as it gets. Just look around and think "What's really true?". If you ask yourself that and question everything, maybe you'll start to see the world through my eyes, you'll be a ..much more open person, life will be more clear, so just do it! Ask! Question everything!
Once you do this, try to make a positive impact, spread the word of life, and help me open more peoples eyes to the truth!
Now, you're probably wondering "What's the meaning, or goals of life?" or "Why are we all here?" Well, good questions indeed. I believe everyone is here for a reason, destined for a different purpose. Whats MY purpose? Ask yourself that. I know mine, my reason for being alive is to make everyone happy and discover true love.
I got the last part accomplished, now you can say i'm only 15 1/2 and don't know what true love is, I don't really care, i've been working at this for years, and I still think about her everyday, one day I'll get her. I don't know diary...sometimes I feel like you're my best friend.