Permanent Ink: Rewrite

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A/N: OMG not me finally putting this on Wattpad! If you're knew here, I had this on A03 before and was too lazy to transfer it, but I've finally done it!

Anyway, this is part one of three for this section, the Legacy Day arc. (You should be able to read all of this and most of the True Heart's Day Arc by the time I put this up) If you don't already, follow me on Tiktok at eah.obsessed for more eah content and for updates! Anyway, have fun reading!

"I am Raven Queen, daughter of the Evil Queen" Raven said, her voice bouncing off the mirrors, echoing through the ears of all the students below her. She saw Holly O'Hair shudder in fear, and tried to ignore the stark frown on Hopper's face. "And I pledge, um, I..." She looked over her shoulder at Apple, who eagerly grinned at her. She didn't know whether to find it encouraging or terrifying.

"Come on," Apple said, leaning forward. "Do it."

Without her saying anything else, the key appeared in front of Raven, almost as if the object itself was beckoning for her to sign her life away. It, of course, had a raven insignia designed into it. It was cold as it dropped into Raven's open palm. Swallowing, she turned it into the keyhole. The pages flipped open to her page, unfolding in front of her like a nightmare. There she was, poisoning Apple. On the next page, she was being chased out of town by villagers. Apple, sentencing her to prison, for doing what she was supposed to do. She saw herself starving in the streets, cast into the shadows while Apple thrived in the light. Helplessness crawled over her. This was her fate. She was no hero, no princess deserving of a happily ever after. She was the next Evil Queen.

Finally, the last image of herself appeared, many years into the future. She saw herself in chains, trapped in the mirror realm, just like her own mother. A gasp tumbled out of her throat at the image. Her eyes widened and she stood, paralyzed in fear. She flinched as the mirror disappeared, transforming into the quill of destiny. Slowly, she reached for the pen.

Here, she was presented with a choice. Sign the book, and condemn herself to a destiny she didn't want, hidden in the shadows, isolated for all eternity. Or don't sign, and possibly condemn her friends to a similar fate?

The king who sings with pages of sky, fears too much the dawn that rises with lies.

Maddie said that meant her story would continue, but even she wasn't absolutely sure. Could she take that risk? What if she didn't sign, and Apple disappeared? Raven would do anything to prevent that.

The feather of the quill tickled her hand as she grasped the pen. Raven felt her hand tremble as she shakily signed her name on the line. She felt something stuck in her throat as she watched her name turn to gold beneath her fingers. Strangely, she didn't feel any different than before. In terms of magic, at least. She thought something would awaken her powers if she signed, but she felt the same. Letting the pen drop, she stepped away from the podium. The cheers of her fellow students drowned out any thoughts she might have had.

"Raven, you did it!" Apple exclaimed, coming up from behind her and hugging her tightly. "Thank you thank you thank you! You have no idea how happy this makes me!"

"I did it for you, Apple," Raven said. She wiped a tear from her eye. Pretty soon, she was sure they would be pouring down her face.

"Oh, no, don't cry," Apple said. She took Raven's hands in hers and led her down the steps. "Come, sit down. Everything will be okay."

But Apple was wrong. Raven had looked into that mirror, and had seen that things would never be okay. At least, not for her.


Cerise kept her hood tucked firmly over her ears as she took the steps up to the Mirror stage. Hunter was currently signing his page, the connecting factor between her fairy tale and Raven's. Raven. She had signed that book, even though Cerise knew she didn't want to. And now, she would have to do the same. Her fate, though not exactly thrilling, was nothing terrible compared to Raven's. She had the worst destiny. If she thought going through with it was best, then Cerise supposed she could follow. Even when she looked into the pages of the Storybook of Legends and saw herself being eaten alive by her own sister, Cerise still signed. It was the least she could do, for Raven.

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