True Heart's Destiny: Mix and Match

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Start of Part Two

Cupid was lost. She thought she came to Ever After High for a reason: to help others find true love. But people here didn't seem to value true love. You either had a romantic destiny or you didn't, and you had to be with the person written into your destiny. That couldn't be right. People should follow their true hearts. Whether that meant following your destiny, or rebelling. Raven followed her true heart to protect Apple when she signed, not because she actually wanted to be the evil queen. But would Briar be following her True Heart when she slept for one hundred years? Cupid couldn't believe she really wanted that.

So Cupid decided to propose the idea of a True Heart's Day dance to Headmaster Grimm. She figured he would say yes, since it would encourage Raven that she did the right thing and others might find their true loves. After all, according to Dexter, he didn't even see the face of his fairy tale princess. Maybe that means it could be anybody...

But that wasn't important right now. She couldn't focus on herself and her love life when there were others to worry about. And she certainly had to worry, because Headmaster Grimm said no!

"I don't understand," Cupid said.

"Let me put it like this," the headmaster said, clearing his throat. "That holiday is dangerous. Some students might see it as a sign to break from their destinies. We wouldn't want that, would we?" He raised one bushy eyebrow.

"Why would it even matter?" Cupid asked, probably pushing the subject, but she couldn't let it go. "Everyone has already signed. They have to follow their destinies now. True Heart's Day will only make them want to find their true loves! The ones in their stories!" She didn't know if she believed what she was saying, but she had to convince the headmaster.

Headmaster Grimm glared at her, which made her shift uncomfortably in her seat.

"Let me make one thing clear." He stood from his seat, leveling her with a gaze so fierce she stopped breathing out of fear. "You are not to say a word of this to anyone. True Heart's Day is a holiday that should stay forgotten. You simply have to trust me on this."

Cupid gulped, but nodded. She wouldn't say a word.

Feeling discouraged, she gathered up the big book and shuffled out of the headmaster's office. She had to consult Briar on this, but first she would stop by her dorm to ask Blondie some advice. How could she encourage others to follow their true heart's when she couldn't even follow hers? Dexter had told her he knew he wasn't meant to be with Raven. He had seen it in the Storybook of Legends. That meant he was free, and Cupid would be glad to swoop in. But she wanted Blondie's advice before she confessed to him. Her new roommate had become one of her "best friends forever after," as they liked to say here, and she liked to talk to her about everything. Plus, she worked closely with Dexter for her mirrorcast show, which meant she could probably give some insight as to what Dexter thought was romantic. Her stomach fluttered just thinking about seeing him.

"Cupid!" Someone yelled out. She turned around to see Cedar Wood and Darling Charming running up to her.

"Hey!" Cupid said. She kicked her toe against the ground to stop herself from walking away. It was rude to not say hi when someone wanted your attention. And Cedar and Darling had seemed interested in her at the Legacy Day dance. "Sorry, I can't stay to chat right now, but maybe we can get coffee at Hocus Latte later? Blondie reviewed it last week on her mirrorcast, and she said it's really good!"

"This is really important," Darling said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'm kind of busy today," Cupid said, glancing towards the stairway that would take her up to the student dorms. She couldn't skip talking to Blondie, even if she was in a rush to tell Dexter how she felt. "What's this about?"

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