True Heart's Destiny: However You Go Ever

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Cupid's tears were all dried out by the time Blondie came home. As the door creaked open, she buried her face further into her pillow until she could barely breathe through the fabric. Immediately, Blondie came over to her bed and put her hand on her shoulder.

"Cupid? What's the matter?" She asked, sitting beside her. Cupid rolled over so she could face her roommate, although she didn't exactly want anyone to see her like this. Her eyes were probably red and puffy from crying. She sniffed back a drop of snot that threatened to drip out of her nose.

"I told Dexter how I felt about him," Cupid said. Her eyes teared up again, which was ridiculous. She had been crying for an hour. "And he doesn' feel the same."

"Oh, Cupid," Blondie said. She surged forward and wrapped her arms around her friend, pressing her against her body. "I am so sorry."

Cupid sobbed, muffling the sound by putting her face into Blondie's shoulder. She didn't want to relive her encounter with Dexter, but she supposed she should tell Blondie what happened.

"I was looking for you, so I could ask for advice," Cupid said. Blondie leaned back, staring at her strangely.

"I'm sure I wouldn't have helped. But I'm sorry I wasn't around. I should have been there for you."

"It's no big deal," Cupid said. She sat up as well, tucking her calves under her thighs. "It would have turned out the same either way. Dexter likes Raven, not me."

"He's a fool," Blondie said. "He doesn't know how insanely lucky he is." Cupid thought anyone would say the same thing, but somehow, coming from Blondie, it sounded truthful. She laughed, making her feel slightly better.

"Thanks, Blondie. That makes me feel better."

"You just need to get your mind off of him," Blondie said. She brought out her mirropad and started typing away. "How about we plan that dance you mentioned? Did Headmaster Grimm say where we could hold it?"

Cupid winced. She had nearly forgotten about the True Heart's Day Dance. She didn't know how she was supposed to focus on that now that her heart was utterly shattered.

"Actually, Grimm said we couldn't throw the dance," she reluctantly told Blondie.

"What?" Blondie said. "That's ridiculous! Why not?"

"I'm not sure exactly," Cupid lied. Grimm said people would be encouraged to rebel, and knowing Blondie's fixation on being a royal, she didn't want to upset her by bringing it up. "But it's alright. I don't think any party I planned would be any good right now."

Blondie thought carefully, pursing her lips as she looked up to the sky for guidance.

"Wouldn't it cheer you up to go to a dance?" Blondie asked. "Afterall, following your true heart is about more than romance."

"It probably would," Cupid admitted. "But I just don't have the energy. I'm sorry, Blondie. Maybe next year."

Blondie smiled sadly, but nodded. "Alright, if you insist. When is True Heart's Day, anyway?"

Cupid didn't see why it mattered, but she obliged anyway.

"It's tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Blondie exclaimed. "Gee, you sure didn't give me a lot of notice."


"Nothing," Blondie said. "Would it cheer you up if I slept next to you?"

Cupid nodded, scooching over so Blondie could lay down besides her. They stayed up talking for a while, but Cupid was exhausted. As Blondie was telling her about school legends regarding trolls' tears, she drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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