Blow Out the Candles

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Readers Age: 11 Years old

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Summary: Maria, your mama's girlfriend, doesn't come to your birthday party due to work, the day after you hear a conversation between her and your mama that you don't fully understand. Two days later you receive an envelope as your birthday present. And you couldn't be happier.

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You first met Maria Hill before the fall of SHIELD when you were around seven.

She was a nice woman, she was stern and strict, but she was nice.

She was your Mama's commander. And she was surprisingly great with kids, something that the majority of the SHIELD agents and officials couldn't wrap their heads around. Tony Stark's jaw dropped to the ground when he had seen her interacting with you and four of Clint Barton's children, Kate, Lila, Cooper and Nathaniel.

You never understood the 'Hardass Hill' nickname she was given.

When SHIELD fell and after your Mama had avoided prosecution for the files she had leaked life changed, but not for the worst, well not really.

It was hard to get used to. Instead of your mom having her own apartment she took Tony up on his offer to move to the tower. That was the best part.

You were introduced to so many new people, all of your mama's team mates became your uncles, even. You loved it at Avengers tower.

The original six Avengers weren't the only occupants of the tower, of course. There was Helen Cho, Nick Fury, Pepper Potts and most importantly Maria Hill.

You didn't know what it was about Maria that made you like her so much, you supposed it was just because she was so damn cool.

You would even argue that she was just as cool as your Mama. Which you would never say to her face, of course.

A few times a week while you were watching TV in the common room Maria would come in and sit down on the couch with you along with a bowl of pop corn. She would place it in between the two of you. Now looking back it was clearly an act to win you over, and it worked.

It was an unspoken tradition by this time. You supposed that you were both friends. That made you happy. You liked being friends with Maria.

After two or three months of that, your mama started to join in, she would sit in between the two of you with the popcorn on her lap. This made the two of you sit closer to her.

When you were all in the middle of the movie 'Up' you noticed they were both holding hands. You looked up at your Mama, and then over to Maria, and go gave them both the traditional Romanoff smirk. It seemed your Mama like Maria even more than you did.

It didn't take long for Maria and Natasha to finally tell you they were dating, and you couldn't have been happier.

Today was the day you turned eleven, and you wanted to spend the day with both your Mama and your Masha, but there was one problem.

Maria wasn't there.

You woke up bright an early, which sent Natasha's plans to make you breakfast in bed out the window.

"Mama?" You spoke softly as Natasha placed your blueberry pancakes in front of you on the kitchen island.

"Detka?" She replied as she took a seat beside you, placing her hand soothingly on your back as she did so.

"Where's Masha?"

"Masha feels bad she couldn't be here this morning, malysh. She had some really important work to do for Fury."

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