Chapter 06

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Alessia's POV
It's been a few weeks and I've started getting into a routine and bonding with the Avengers.

More specifically Sam, Steve, Nat, Clint since they all woke up early enough to wish me good night. Despite Tony and Bruce working the night shift I rarely saw them, and Thor was always running back and forth between Asgard and Earth that I only caught glimpses of him. Despite being closer in age Pietro, Wanda, and Vision already had their own clique that I didn't dare enter.

Loki, was of course my best friend though 💚

Everything seemed to be going well......until Steve was reunited with his bff from world war 2 Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier and HYDRA's ultimate weapon.

The day this all started was fairly normal...........











"Put them on!"


"Yes! You need them!"

"No I don't!"

"Stop being a brat and put them on!"

"I don't wanna!"

"You have to! The doctor said that you need them!"

"No! No! No!"

Loki groaned as he said "Fine. Fury brought you a multitude of styles, why don't you find the prettiest style and try them on?" He's bargaining in desperation. I pouted and crossed my arms "No! I'll look like a nerd!" Loki gave me a loo and said "But are a nerd" my jaw dropped and my eyes watered "Loki! How could you?! I thought we were friends!"

"We are friends. Which is why I will never lie to you or blow hot air into your head" he said gently as he handed me a pair of glasses "Here. Try these."

Reluctantly I put on the cute retro glasses that he managed to get ahold of somehow.

I put them on and noticed how clearer my vision was, along with the fact that he had different colors of the same style for each of my quirky outfits "There we go

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I put them on and noticed how clearer my vision was, along with the fact that he had different colors of the same style for each of my quirky outfits "There we look so pretty" I scoffed "No I don't" "Yes you do" I shook my head and removed the glasses making my vision blurry again "I'm not wearing them!"

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are!"

"Why is Steve's shield on tv?"

"Yes yo- Don't change the subject!"

I shook my head as I looked at the blurry figure of Steve's shield on the tv "No, Loki look!" He turned around and his breath hitched "Because the Captain is on the tv!" "What?!" I snatched up the glasses and shoved them on my face "FRIDAY! Turn up the volume please!" "Right away Miss Fury" FRIDAY turned up the volume as asked and both our jaws dropped as we watched the scene.

It ended with Bucky being arrested and Steve fighting to get to him. Loki and I looked at each other and we both said "Oh, fuck...."

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