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𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 eyes widen at how straightforward Bruce is, you honestly didn't even expect it. And he is looking at you as if he didn't just say the most devious shit. His voice was nonchalant and as deep as ever, whilst he had a poker face.

"...That's not even what I wanted," you huffed, "you're always assuming things." Your cheeks are reddened as you cross your arms over your chest and look away from his intense gaze. He gives a small sound of approval and backs away from you, satisfaction is very much visible on his face and you don't like it one bit. "I assume things because I know you, sweetheart." He chuckled and turned around to continue cooking.

You roll your eyes at his cocky attitude, not seeing what's so funny to him. Deciding its best to not just stand there looking stupid and feeding into his amusement, you hopped on top of the kitchen island and crossed your legs over one another. The smooth marble is cold, but it isn't completely uncomfortable to sit and wait on. "If I hadn't lost my phone I wouldn't even be bothering you right now." You mumbled.

Bruce doesn't look at you, but by the way he freezes for a second, you are sure he took your words to heart. "I told you we'd figure all of that out soon. But right now, we are going to enjoy one another's company," he sighed, "don't ruin it. Please." And with that, he went back to cooking dinner.

Your eyebrows furrow at how controlling his words sounded, it just didn't sit right with you. Especially how soft his voice became towards the end. It sounded as if he was trying to make it your fault that you don't have your phone.

"Well sorry, but you can't decide when we discuss this."

You scoffed as you narrowed your eyes at the back of his head, glaring daggers that he is simply ignoring. Which only adds to that growing, burning, feeling in your chest. But he doesn't know, he's too busy cooking.

"The food is finished."
Finally, Bruce turned around and locked eyes with you.

But the look swirling in his eyes makes any earlier agitation disappear and your panties pool almost instantly. He leans down close to your ear and whispers, "Y/n the thoughts that are corrupting my mind right now are anything but innocent. And I am trying my damn hardest not to bend your sweet ass over the dining table and fuck you so hard the table breaks. But I am restraining myself because I want us to have a nice date night because you claim we don't have them."

His words made a feeling of delicious electricity shoot through your body, and if you weren't sitting down your knees would have surely given out by now.

"I-I.. I know what I said but-"

"Then you should understand why I am doing this. Why I do anything that involves you. Because I want to please you in any way I can, and you know I will please you."

With your eyes widened and your lips parted, you can only sit there and stare at Bruce. Who shows nothing but seriousness on his face. You don't even think you should say anything in response to him, what could you even say? All your words are currently lodged in your throat, completely preventing you from speaking. Not like you want to anyways. You grip the edges of the counter, afraid you'll fall if your grip falters. But even if you did, you know Bruce'll catch you.

Your cheeks seems to burn the longer you maintain this eye-contact. "Bruce.. you take my words too seriously." A shaky breath escapes from your parted lips as you clench your thighs, trying to create any type of pleasurable friction.

The said male clicks his tongue on the roof of his mouth whilst narrowing his eyes at the pathetic state you are in. But does he blame you? No. If the roles were reversed and you were the one in control of the situation, he is sure he would be weak in the knees for you as much as you are for him. Not like he would mind, he would love it either way.

"Now, be a good girl and wait until after dinner." He whispers into your ear. Running one of his hands up your thigh, he purposefully moves the soft fabric of the robe up, revealing more and more of your smooth skin.

Bruce's hungry eyes take in inch after inch of your thighs that is exposed to him.

'God I can not wait to mark every inch of her delicate skin. I'll have her limping and covered in hickeys for days to come.' He lustfully thinks, feeling himself grow hard for the second time in ten minutes max.

The further his hand goes up; the more butterflies that act up in your stomach, the hotter your skin feels, and the stuffier the room feels because of the overwhelming, sexual tension in the room. "Fine... b-but back the hell up for a minute. I can hardly breathe with you being so damn close to me.." You muttered, putting your hands on his chest to move him away.

He arches a brow at your words, his grip tightening on your thigh ever-so-slightly. "How cute. You can't take being treated like the needy little whore you are," he teased, "this is certainly a sight to see. After all, you don't see it often~."

Your eyes widened and an audible gasp escaped your already parted lips. Never has Bruce degraded you like that. And if he has, you obviously can't remember it.

A smirk tugs at his lips at your reaction before he pulls away from you yet again and goes to prepare the food, leaving you dumbfounded and very much turned on. He puts the delicious-looking food on two plates, all while silently observing how hot and bothered you look while sitting there.

"So, who's hungry?~"


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