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Jealousy, jealousy

The bell rings, and I slightly jump up. "Oh god, that scared me," I whisper to myself. I feel my bladder bounce, and I start to get nervous 'they might follow me, whatever, I'll tell Robin to follow me.

Everyone starts to pack up and even leave. I follow, and almost everyone leaves except Donna. "In a hurry?" I look up, she's smiling with her backpack on one shoulder. "Huh? Yeah, I kinda spaced out so, I'm behind." She giggles, I look back down and up again. "You can go without me"

why was I being so awkward? Probably because I have to use the bathroom badly and she's not letting me go. "Oh, well, I'll wait for you!" I get even more nervous, it was so obvious I didn't want her there.

"Um, I, um, I have to use the bathroom so..." Donna laughs and covers her mouth. "Oh, I'm sorry. Well, I'll see you later, Finn!!" She walks away and waves bye. "Yeah, bye" I do a fake smile.

I feel bad but come on, Donna, read the room. I grab my bag and jog out of the class.

I hear chatter in the halls but then, I hear my name being yelled. I look around, it's them... I try not to make eye contact. I see Robin, I immediately grab his arm and pull him with me.

He was talking to a girl. A pretty girl. She had dirty blonde hair, just like me, curly hair, just like me, and brownish eyes. I shake away the feeling.

"Finney, what's wrong" I grip his arm tighter, we're in a crowd now. It's like the world's against me. "It's the Hijo- whatever you call them." Robin sighs, "Hijo de puta?" I nod, trying to get through the ruckus. "Yeah! You know, what I'm talking about." He shakes his head, "Hijo de puta is singular, Finney." We finally get through the crowd, "yeah, whatever. That's not important"

I let go of robins arm and push the door open. "They aren't here," I look at the door. "Just pretend you're doing something." I turn the faucet on and pretend I'm washing my hands. "Mi Amor, you have to defend yourself one day. I can't do this forever. If I get another f I'm out." Robin turns the faucet on as well. "I know, I know, Sorry. it's just, it's three of them. I can-."

The door bursts open, and we both jump and look at the doorway. "Dipshits, what the hell." They all look at each other, "huh? Can you guys not talk?"

They all leave one by one, I look at Robin. "Thanks." He shuts the water off and grabs a paper towel. "No problem. But remember, one day-" I cut him off, "I know Robin, one day, I will." He wipes his hands off and shuts my faucet off, he hands me the paper towel. "Just don't forget. Are you available today after school?" I wipe my hands and dry them.

"No, it's Friday. Gwen is going to her friend's house so, I have to take care of my dad." Robin looks down, "oh, well, can I come over?"

"My dad would kill me if he found out." I throw away the paper. He pretends to cough. "He doesn't have to know. I mean I can sneak in. Through the window"

I get like a deja vu thing, it reminds me of the romantic movies Gwen watches. Where the guy sneaks in through the girl's window and they do...things. You know, cheesy romance.

"Hmm, sure." Robin sighs and smiles at me, just like how Donna smiled at me. Also, how that girl smiled at robin and how robin smiled at that girl.

"Um, Robin about earlier? Who was that girl you were talking to?" Robin's smile fades and so does mine. "Um, no one. She was just checking me out? I don't know, to be honest. She was like flirting. Why? Do you like her? I can, you know, back off"

Robin tries to lighten the mood, but it doesn't work that much. I make a fake smile. "No, I don't like her. Do you?"

He puts a hand on his neck and chuckles. I feel my stomach drop. "I don't know, I mean, she's pretty. Just straightforward."

I chuckle with him, "yeah, I feel you. She is really pretty" he raises an eyebrow, "you sure you don't like her?"

He gets closer to me, I lightly push him away. "She looks exactly like me! No, ew!"

Robin puts his arm over my shoulder and opens the door for us both. "It's fourth-period nowwww" he does a little dance and laughs.

"I can't wait either," I laugh with him, I feel butterflies. Again? I feel so embarrassed. It's just a joke. We're friends, I'm not gay. I'm not!

Finn laughs, it's really heartwarming. It looks like he's thinking about something, maybe the girl. I honestly think he likes her. Yeah, it hurts but at least he's happy. That's all that matters.

I cannot explain how excited I am for 5th period. We usually pass notes to each other, I love talking to Finney. He's so nice to talk to. He's a good listener but also a good speaker.

Thank god, I convinced him to let me go over. I enjoy hanging out with him too.

Most of the time, we watch horror movies and listen to music. Sometimes we go out and go to a local gas station.

We get candy and lottery tickets. Once, we got so fucking close to winning. We were freaking out. Finney was like, "oh my god!" He was jumping around and sweating. I was like, "por favor. Santo Dios, por favor déjanos ganar la lotería, por favor. Podemos ser ricos, si pudieras ayudarnos. Por favor." (please. holy god, please let us win the lottery, please. we can be rich if you could just help us out. please.)

It was a great time, poor Finney, he started to cry. I was about to too, I prayed and everything.

I'm not religious, but it runs in my family. There aren't any churches near us so, we don't go. We just pray and eat bread. Honestly, I don't care about heaven and Jesus and god. It's all whatever.

The bell rings, we missed the entire fourth period. We look at each other and smile. "It's fifth period."

1087 words

Thank you so much to the person we commented in the last chapter. It made my entire day!! I hope you like this chapter, please give me constructive criticism (if needed). Please comment, vote, and follow! It'll make my day! Muah!

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