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I never got to say thank you for what you said to me Azazel. Amanda said closing the door of the side school door.

Think nothing of it, but your welcome Amanda I only said what I thought was best for you to hear. I said walking up next to her.

But there is something that is bothering me about you. She said putting her finger on her chin.

And what would that be? I asked.

Your eye color why are they red do you have some kind of colored contacts or something? She asked as she stopped walking.

Now that's a secret you'll have to find out. I said walking ahead of her.

Oh come on aren't you at least going to give me a hint. She said running up after her me.

Mmm nope not a one. I said with a smile.

Are you sure? Amanda asked looking at my eyes again.

Yes I'm positive. I said.

Alright then we should get back to class for now. She said opening the door of the car.

I opened my door and opened the umbrella stepping out under it. I heard a small laugh.

Is there something funny here Amanda? I asked looking over to her.

Yeah well why is it that you carry that umbrella with you its summer and we get barely any rain in the summer and when we do, it's at night so why not enjoy the summer sun on your face and skin. She said.

It's hard to explain why I have this, let's just say it's a long story. I said walking over to the school door.

What do you get sun burned easily or something Azazel? Amanda asked.

Something like that more then you'll know. I said opening the door of the school.

We return to our class room and took our seats and not even an hour went by when the rooms phone went off the teacher wasn't even on the phone for very long.

Alright Azazel your dismissed for the remainder of the day. Mrs Testis said putting the phone down.

Right thank you. I said getting up.

I walked to my lord's car and headed back to the house I arrived to see Zenith and my master standing at the entrance of home.

It's about time that you showed up Azazel. John said.

I apologize master I tried to arrive as quickly as possible next time. I said

It's alright Azazel come we have training to do. John said.

Yes my lord. I said.

Good now follow me and Zenith could you get him the training gear and bring it to the basement. John said.

Yes master it with be done. Zenith said walking off.

Come now Azazel we have work to do and I have someone that you need to meet. John said opening a door to the basement.

Yes my lord. I said looking to the ground as I bowed my head.

We walked down the basement stairs we came to the bottom of the stairs and to a door left of the stairs John opened the door and we walked into a room with a ring in the middle of the room in the floor of the ring was sand and around the ring where four columns in each corner of the ring and the floor out side the ring was white stone bricks along the walls it was the same white brick but with tapestries with demons on them and the room was lit by inferno fires, there was a large gate guarded by two very large demons like the ones I ran into at the park.

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