A "Day off"

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Yashiro Nene's POV:

Ugh.. My head hurts.

I wake up just to see where I am. Only to find out, I'm in an infirmary?!

What the hell happened?!.. Wait.. I remember, I pushed Amane out of the way since there was a heavy sack going to him, then I was the one who got hurt instead. Yikes..

I sat up from my bed trying to look at my surrondings, only to find Amane at my bedside looking worried.

He seemed to notice I was awake I thought he would just be calm, but to my surprise he had a full outburst.

"YOU MORON WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? Why would you save me?!"

"Well duh.. It's because were supposed to be like friends. And friends do these kind of things so.."

"Well you took it way to seriously then!!" He pinched his nose bridge he usually does that when he's pissed.

"What happened to me when I was unconscious? And what day is it?"

"It's Saturday today, the day after you got into this mess." he scoffs.

"You also had to get a stitch on your head because of all the rocks in the sack. Good thing your hard headed though, or else you would have been in a coma!"

"That's why don't go around doing dumb things, Yashiro."

"What!! why are you complaining?! You would have gotten hurt!"

"I'm complaining because I wouldn't mind if I got hurt!"

"Ugh, whatever I'm not going to have this conversation with you, Yugi-kun." I say sounding stubborn. He could have at least be a bit thankful..

"Well whatever. Because you got hurt, Shijima-san told me to watch over you while your healing." he says while crossing his arms and putting his leg on top of the other.

"Oh oka-" Just as I was about to finish my sentence someone barged into the room.

"Senpai!! Are you okay?!"

"Duh. Of course she isn't okay you lame ass traffic safety earring boy!"

"Can you just shut up already! Were guests here so quiet down!" One of them smacks the other one in the head.

"Sorry about that senpai, How are you? Me and Mitsuba got the news and we came here as quickly as possible."

I realized the people who barged in were Mitsuba-kun and Kou-kun, the people who led me and Amane to the movie set yesterday.

"I'm good.. I think. I don't really feel any pain."

"Phew, that's a relief." Kou says letting out a relieved sigh.

"Uhm hello? I'm here too!!" Amane barges into the conversation.

"And Shijima-san said that I should watch over her. Not you guys included!" He says pointing at the other two.

"Yeesh.. its okay Yugi-kun they can stay, they won't cause much trouble anyways."

Amane looked irritated at the other two's presence, but started fidgeting with his hands. He usually did that back then when he was nervous or embarrassed. He turned his head's direction to me though his eyes are staring downwards.

"And by the way.. Instead of Yugi, you can just call me Amane instead. Like without the "-kun" at the end either."

"But I thought only friends call each other by their first name?"

[DISCONTINUED] Never ending Rivalry (TBHK) Hananene/AmaneneWhere stories live. Discover now