21. Widows and Burden

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 Turns out, the archery duo did not need her help that night. They did the next night, luckily for Malka as Tam already had plans to spend the night with her new neighbor who is putting himself through the end of high school because Malka hoped to decorate the apartment so Tam could come back to a magical wonderland. She'll just have to do it later.

As she walks across the roof, scanning nearby buildings, Clint and Kate crouch by the edge and watch the opposite building. "Good choice," Malka says as she approaches.

"See?" Clint grins.

"Would have been better from a higher building," Kate says.

Malka shakes her head. "No, prioritize the exit. When things go bad as they inevitably do, always have a strategy. This has good sidelines for the exits he has planned."

"Entry should be easy," Clint says as Kate rolls her eyes and walks past Malka who does not stop her. "Think it should take me three and a half minutes to get in, so if you see anything out here, just give me a signal, Kate. All right?" When he looks over, Malka now crouches in Kate's spot. "Where'd she go?"

"She left about three boring sentences ago."

"And you didn't stop her?"

She shrugs. "Learn by doing. See?" She points down to the road where Kate crosses, angering many drivers. "She's learning."

"Kate. Kate!" Clint says as he presses his earpiece.

"There you are."

"I told you you're supposed to be the lookout."

"Yeah, but of the two of us, who do you trust up there not to get distracted?"

"She has a point," Malka mutters.

"Shut up." Clint elbows her side. "Look, it's not fair that your inability to act like a grown-up helps you get your way."

"No, it's not, but it is what it is."

"I'm starting to like her more," Malka sighs. "Kate, do what you want."

"I'm going to need you to use your grappling hook arrow to anchor yourself in," Clint instructs. "Propel down the side of the building to the window. If it's locked, break in quietly."

"Or she could do the obvious."

Clint clenches his jaw as he looks over. "Which is?"

"Walk in."

"Love it, Malka. Good evening, sir, can I help with your bags?"

Clint begins shaking his head as Malka bursts into giggles. "Oh, I love this," she says. "She's thinking like a spy, Barton. Trained her well, it seems."

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