A Fun Bus Ride

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We sneak through the museum for me to lick my lips as thunder claps behind us as. I walk with the men holding my gun tightly in my hand, unwilling to give it up anytime soon. I then hear the faint murmuring of some people praying, which has me tilt my head on the praying, wondering where it is coming from as it then goes to faint chanting in Arabic. While we are walking next to a few sarcophagus in what happens to be the Egyptian area, the mummy next to us then sits up for me to raise my gun at it on the jump scare that just happened, "I really hate it when they do that", I hiss under my breath as all the mummies are waking up for me to know they have the book of the dead; this is not good which makes me watch as the mummies bang against the glass cases. We come to a balcony in the storage area to see the chanting circle with Evie tied up on an altar for me to gulp. As I look to the middle seeing Imhotep in a chrysalis form; the Curator keeps chanting when the thing that Imhotep was in breaks open for me to hear snarling as he gets out for me not to like this as I begin to shake, as he roars getting out to look around as his skin was growing back only a little as I stnad there with Rick and Ardeth. His new priests bow to him in respect which has me gulp in not liking this, "Imhotep!" I whisper while watching Imhotep looking around the area; he looks confused at where he is, it seems, "What year is it?" Imhotep questions in ancient Egyptian as he stops pacing.

I have nightmares about him and what happened a few years ago. Still, it seems that I am back in the swing of things yet again, "my lord, it is. the year of the scorpion." the Curator answers while standing up to talk with his new master as I feel we are in one hell of an adventure yet again, "Truly?!" Imhotep questions while he is looking at the Curator with him wanting to know that answer, "Yes!" the Curator answers as I stand there when Imhotep starts to laugh with a sinister smile on his features at the truth. The doors then open on the other side as a lady enters, which has me gulp in knowing who she is by one look, "Anck-su-namun", I mumble out as I close my eyes and then open them to see a scene from another time of her which has me to gulp in on the vision as she is dressed differently like she is from Egypt. I look at Anck-su-namun, who comes up to Imhotep, who is looking at the woman in front of him with wonder on his features, "Do not be frightened." the Curator tells the lady as I stand there with fear in my eyes on these two being together, "I am not afraid" Anck-su-namun answers with her not moving her eyes away from the mummy which is creeping me out slightly, "I am Anck-su-namun reincarnated." the lady says in Egyptian as I watch while biting my lip while standing there with the men as Ardeth places a careful hand on mine as I look to him and then back down at the scene, "Only in body." Imhotep answers in Egyptian to Anck-su-namun as he touches her hair and begins to go around her, watching as he looks at her up and down, which is grossing me out slightly, "But soon...I shall bring your soul back from the underworld..." Imhotep tells his love as he goes in front of her as they look into each other's eyes, "...and our love shall once again be whole." Imhotep says as I cringe at those words, not liking this situation right now. The Curator and Lock-Na walk away to get something while Anck-su-namun and Imhotep look into each other's eyes as I feel like this is going to take a while, "you know, a couple of years ago...this would've seemed really strange to me." Rick says to pat Ardeth on the shoulder while walking away for me to look at Ardeth, who turns his eyes onto me as I nod a little at my brother in laws words, "but it seems we will always be thrust back into it," I whisper out as Ardeth stands with me, "is that a good thing or bad thing, Elizabeth" Ardeth questions for me to tilt my head as I look over at him, "always a good thing, Ardeth" I answer as he smiles a little on my words, I wouldn't change it for all the money in the world becuase I know Ardeth in that time. We look back to the scene as Anck-su-namun then leans in to talk with Imhotep, "I have a gift for you." she tells the mummy as they turn to look at Evie for me not to like this because they now see my sister, "Her!" Imhotep says as he seems pleased, I do not like this at all, "I knew it would please you to watch her die." Anck-Su-namun tells the mummy as they share a look, and then they look back at Evie when Anck-su-namun clicks her fingers for the priests to approach my sister as they try to hold her down on the board. 

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