Pt 1 The plan

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I knock our secret knock on the door of the tree house and it opens, I climb up into the room. "Hey Andie" Chris says.

"Hi guys, what's up?" I ask.

"Just playing cards, you wanna join?" Teddy asks.

"Nah I've never really got the point of that game" I say sitting down on the seat next to their table and leaning back, Teddy and Chris talk back and forth until someone knocks the secret knock on the door, they move the table and let Gordie in, I bend my legs so Gordie can sit on the seat too.

"You want to join the game Gordie?" Chris asks.

"Sure" he replies, they deal out the cards so Gordie can play and the begin.

"How do you know a Frenchman's been in your backyard?" Chris asks.

"I'm french okay?" Teddy says.

"Your garbage cans are empty and your dog's pregnant" Chris and Gordie laugh to each other. I wasn't paying much attention but I smiled. I loved hearing the guys laugh. I don't know why but it made me feel happy. Like I have a full family again, they made up for my late brother, he passed away when he and my dad got in a car crash, now it's just me, my mum and my little sister. I wasn't very close to my dad, he was out a lot but I still loved him, I miss them so much but having the guys here helps me get through it and when Gordie's brother passed away it gave us something that gave us an unspoken connection.

"Didn't I just say I was french?" Teddy asks.

"I knock" Chris knocks on the table.

"Shit" Teddy says.

"Twenty nine"

"Twenty two"

"Piss up a rope" Gordie hits his cards down in defeat, then picks up his comic and leans back, the guys crack up laughing.

"Gordie's out ol' gordie just bit the bag and stepped out the door" Teddy says and continues laughing.

"Come on man deal"

Teddy Duchamp was the craziest guy we hung out with. I felt so bad for him, he didn't grow up with a good dad, he was given to fits of rage and he almost burnt teddy's ear off on the stove once. Teddy was a cute guy too, more so when his hair wasn't full of grease. 

"I knock" Teddy says.

"You four eyed pile of shit" Chris says.

"The pile of shit has a thousand eyes" Teddy says. We all start laughing.

"What? What's so funny? I've got thirty, what have you got?" Teddy asks.

"Sixteen" Chris laughs.

"Go ahead, keep laughing you've got down to your ride pal"

Chris was the leader of our gang and although he didn't look it, he was kind inside. He would always try to make the best peace of everything, but he came from a bad family and we all knew he would turn out bad, even he knew it.

There was a knock on the door.

"That's not the secret knock" Gordie says.

 "I forget the secret knock, let me in"

"Vern" we all said in unison, we moved the table over and opened the door for vern.

"Oh man you guys are not going to believe this. This is so boss" Vern says climbing into the treehouse and sitting on a seat "oh man wait till you hear this, wait till you hear this, you won't believe it it's unbelievable, let me catch my breath I ran all the way from my house" Vern says breathing heavily.

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