Blonde Leading the Blonde(s)

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"Dammit! Battery wasn't charged all the way."

Anne nervously looked back at the castle, "What are we going to do?"

Leaping from the cart, Honey moved to their ward in the back.

"Hitch a ride? Seriously, girl. We're going to have to hoof it from here." Hoisting Sharon once more onto her back, the detective left the road, angling for the docks. "Are you with me, or do you want to go back to that?"

Anne nodded and the detective saw the fierce determination that won Anne the role, and a place in Honey's heart.

The tropical palm trees were thick and cut like knives when brushed against. How a jungle had sprung up on such hard-packed earth, Honey couldn't fathom, but the ground allowed them to make steady progress. Vines were the greatest impediment to their trek. Several times, Anne got tangled in the low-hanging tentacles. Once, Honey had to cut her ankle free. The actress was doing her best, but she didn't have the training the detective had.

Honey's dad had taken her out camping for weeks, teaching her animal signs, plants and wilderness survival. Growing up in a city, Honey often questioned her father on the necessity of it all. He'd look at her and say, "You just never know where a case will take you, Baby."

Honey smiled at the memory and whispered, "Thanks, pops."

The reached the edge of the archipelago, which happened to be a seventy-five foot drop to rocks and water below. Honey put out an arm to keep Anne from going over.

"We can work our way along here, until we find a way down to the beach."

"And then what?"

Honey adjusted Sharon, whose body was really starting to weigh on her.

"So far, Križ's guards haven't caught up yet. That's worrisome."

Anne looked confused. "Shouldn't that be a good thing?"

Honey shook her head as they moved back into the jungle. She set Sharon down and rotated her shoulders. "They could be waiting in ambush. They'll let us get exhausted traipsing across the island. Then, just as we arrive at the docks, capture us. It's a technique for breaking spirits."

Miss Francis blinked in amazement. "How do you know all these things?"

Honey smirked. "Years of practice. Studying tactics. Studying men. Men want control over you. Over everything. If you're going to live in their world, you have to know their mindset. If Križ wants me, he wants me to come willingly. I'll only do that if he breaks my will, or..."

Anne shot back, "Or what?"

"You become the carrot. He'll hold you to gain my complacency."


"So, whatever happens to me, I've got to get you two off the island. Smuggle you onto a boat, set you adrift. I don't know. I just can't let him use you to get to me."

Anne suddenly hugged her. Their hugs on the set had been quick, friendly things. This was a hug between sisters, and Honey welcomed it. They broke their embrace when Sharon let loose a small moan. Honey quickly uncapped a canteen and fed the stunt double some water. Her eyes fluttered open slowly.

Anne spoke gently to her. "Sharon? Can you hear me?"

"Anne? Wha?"

"We've escaped, with the help of Honey West. But we're still on the island."

Honey stood up suddenly. She heard a noise, still a ways from their location, but it was distinctive. She hushed the girls. Again, the sound drifted through the trees.

"We've got another problem. A hungry one, at that."

"What?" Anne asked.

"That's a tiger. Križ sent a damn tiger after us."

Križ's voice followed by a second tiger's roar. Honey peered up through the canopy and found speakers on a tower.

"Miss West and Miss Francis. Your lack of cooperation has forced me to up the stakes. I've let loose two Bengal tigers into the jungle. They are very hungry. I would recommend you signal your location, so that my men can find you before my cats do. While I do not wish to spoil the prize I've taken such lengths to acquire, I cannot let any of you leave my island. The choice is yours, but I suggest you make a decision soon, as it's not a big jungle."

Sharon struggled to her feet with help of Anne. "That's it. He's won."

"No. I know a few things about cats. We can outthink them."

"You know a few things about ocelots," Anne corrected. "These are much bigger. Bruce, our ocelot was trained, and I still got bit more times than I'd care to remember. Real tigers won't take stage direction, I'm sure."

Honey sensed the fear rolling out of both of ladies in waves. Being doppelgangers, the effect was unsettling, as if Honey stared into her own doubts and insecurities. How many times did she look into a mirror after her father died and question whether she could be as good a detective as he was? Whether she could make it a man's profession? Would she ever be good enough to honor his name?

"Listen. If you want to end up tiger food, or worse, sex slaves, the road's that way." Honey pointed off to the right. "If you want to get off this island, it's that way." She rotated her arm to the left. "I don't intend to end up a dropping in a box of tiger litter. I'm a survivor. And if you have anything more of me than just my incredible good looks," Honey gave them a wink. "then you'll want to fight, too. I can do this alone, but it'll be easier with three Honeys, instead of one."

Anne and Sharon looked at each other and back to the detective. They gave Honey a cooperative nod and asked her what they could do to help.

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