Chapter 44-Purple

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You decided to sit in the car for a little while. You'd gotten home almost half an hour ago at this point, but the cozy area you'd set for yourself made you too lazy to get out. So you sat and thought things over.
"I know I have a thing for Freddy. I know that. But it doesn't feel like it. This feels like starting on a clean slate, which isn't bad, but is still weird. The fact that I can't remember any of this is even weirder." You figured you might as well stop putting this off. You reached for your phone and clicked the home button to log in. On your Home screen background was a pitch black image with the words "it's me". You raised an eyebrow and turned off the phone. Once you'd logged in again, the home screen was back to normal. After further inspection, you could see a small white text at the bottom left corner that read "no rest for us". Goosebumps. Another refresh, and the phone was back to normal. You weren't going to forget that incident anytime soon. Maybe even ask Freddy about it.
You stepped out of the car, your keys right in hand, and walked into the apartment building.
It was almost midnight. You'd closed up the birthday party at 8, gotten back at 10, and finally stopped talking with the others around 11. Another drive back home and stop for food, and boom. It was almost twelve. You threw the empty McDonald's bag into the trash been going to your apartment, but before you unlocked your door, John opened his. Your neighbor that has been only mentioned once. And out stepped Tyrone. The creep that was also only mentioned once. He turned to the side and practically jumped on the ceiling. Like he'd seen a ghost.
"Oh! Y/N, right?" He smiled nervously. You gave him a skeptical glare. "Yeah, I, um. I didn't know you two were neighbors...." He pointed his finger between you and John.
"He's my cousin," John clarified. "Like a close relative, not the third cousin twice removed that I mentioned last week."
"Oh, yeah, I forgot about him." Your more threatening tone caught John off guard and he gave you a quick farewell before heading back into his room. It looked like there were some more people than usual in there, aside from Tyrone.
"So, uh. How's the job?" Tyrone asked. You hardened your glare. "Yeah, I look like a real creep, don't I?"
"I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but after our past conversation, I'm not so sure."
"But you do believe me when I say I've worked there?"
"Yes, actually. Those two knuckleheads get along when they get along..."
"Pie to the face?" Tyrone asked. You nodded, and he started cracking up.
"What, is it a traditional thing? To harass the night shift with pies?" You chuckled.
"Oh, yes it is. That was Freddy's favorite little trick. But seriously, how's it going? I know they can be a work with."
"Do you know?" You whispered.
"About their blueprints? Of course I do." He whispered back. "If you're a technician, especially a night technician, you've got those blueprints."
"Lucky. I only know because Freddy told me."
"He told you?!" He exclaimed, quickly clamming his mouth shut afterwards. There was no stirring in the nearby apartments. "When I mentioned it to him, he almost broke my leg. But he still landed me in the hospital with the same amount of needed heal time."
You paused. "Dang."
"That gives me some reassurance that he's the one who told you. But it also worries me that you had no idea going into this. The company seems a little more secretive since I've been there."
"He said that the animatronics don't want to be made that way. And they're trying to find a way around it."
"Yeah.." Tyrone said skeptically. "But they haven't found one yet, have they?"
"How long has it been since you worked there?" You asked.
"I worked there three years ago, but it feels like decades ago, to be honest. I hated the job, but I also kinda liked it. Glad it's over with, but I also kinda miss it." He crossed his arms.
"Huh," you said. "Well, that definitely raises my spirits."
"There ya go!" He chuckled nervously. "I'm gonna be helping John out with his taxes. Maybe I'll see you around? I mean. No. That was creepy. I only just met you."
"Don't worry too much about it. Though, I wouldn't go up to girls and giving cryptic advice when you first meet them."
"Ha!" He barked, backing off towards the complex's entrance. "See ya!" You waved and said goodbye, then finally entered your apartment.
What a strange conversation. You supposed it'd be better than the one you were about to start.

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