Chapter 13-Project

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I want you all to imagine getting home after a long day, then you see a box laid on your bedroom floor. You open up the box, and you find this little thing :3 👆

(I mean it's basically Helpy but just imagine smol FunFred) NOW ON WITH THE CHAPTER THAT TOOK ME FOREVER TO WRITE!!!

You and Freddy eventually made up with past disagreements and came to a compromise. You'd let him hang out with you, but he had to keep it only to a certain level. Cuddles only. Which meant that he was going all out with the fluff. And you allowed it. Enforced it, even.

In fact, it was your idea to throw all of your blankets and pillows onto the floor next to your bed. Now you were sitting in between Freddy's legs, leaning back against him while typing on your computer. His arms were wrapped around you. What were you typing?

"A fanfiction," you answered Freddy.

"Ohh," he replied. "..what's fanfiction?"

"Well, it's like. If you like a certain character or a show, book, or ship even, you could write a story about it! There's all kinds of fanfictions out there, but I think the main three would be your original stories, shipping fanfics, and AUs. Alternate Universes where for example, the hero and villain could switch places. You get it?"

"Yeah...what's shipping? I heard Dorothy say 'I ship it' when she saw us so I was wondering for a little while..."

You tensed up for a moment. Freddy seemed to notice and loosened his grip on you. "Well, shipping is when you think two characters, or people, should be..together."

"Interesting," Freddy said. "Can you tell me more? The only ship I'm familiar with is the Titanic. Interesting topic, though!" You rolled your eyes then you saw a notification come up from your computer.

"Hey, Y/N, are you still ok...OH CRAP-!!" You read the message out loud and you realized what day it was. Thursday. The day Jeremy was supposed to come over to work on a school project. It was due in about a month, but you still had to plan it out with him and he wasn't allowed on electronics very often throughout the day. There was no way to be sure you could contact him virtually, so in person was just easier for you both. But not with a freaking animatronic in my HOUSE!!

"What is it?" Freddy asked.

"I-I completely forgot my friend's coming over today!!"

"What do you mean, she just left!"

"No, not Dorothy! Jeremy! A boy! Aagghh I gotta go shower-!" You raced around your room to your closet and started pulling drawers while Freddy sat there. Still processing what you just said.


You stopped. Oh crap. "Yes, but he's nice, and he's just a friend. So no reason to get all hostile, alright?" You said sternly, facing Freddy. He nodded obediently. You grabbed your towel, put it over your clothes, and raced out of the room into the restroom.

Right after you stepped out of the bathroom, all fixed up for the day, you heard a knock at the door. "Coming!" You hollered.

Y/N bolted down to her room. "Freddy!" She whisper-yelled. He nodded in your direction. "Jeremy is here. I need you to get out of my room, and stay out of sight. Got it? No noise, no violence. And absolutely no 'making your presence known'. You got it?" You said sternly. He only nodded, ears drooping, and he walked out of your room. There was more pounding at your door and you raced to the front room. Everything in the house still seemed in shape, so you should be ok. You opened the door to find your nervous friend waiting there.

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