8 months pregnant

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I have been pregnant for 8 months now. Jacob has been very loving and caring for me since I've been pregnant. Today is the day we findbout what I'm having next month. So Jacob drove me to my appointment and they do an ultrasound. They tell us that I'm going to have twins one boy and one girl. We were excited because that's what we wanted to have. Also I will be having the twins on October 31. I can't wait to hold our children I told Jacob. He agrees with me about holding the children in his arms to. Now the time has flew by and its almost the 31st. Today is the 30th and we are both really excited for the children to be born. Jacob makes us dinner. He fixed steak, green beans, and corn on the cob. We eat dinner and head to bed. It's twelve a.m. and I wake with wet spot on the bed and I wake Jacob and tell him it's time. He jumps up and packs stuff to stay at the hospital for a couple days. Then he helps me into the car and hurries me to the hospital. We arrive and Jacob tells the nurse that I'm in labor. She has someone bring out a wheelchair and take me to the delivery room. They help me on the bed and get me ready to deliver the babies. Jacob told me that he will hold my hand all the way through the delivery. It took an hour for James and Dakota to be born. I was the first one to hold the children. Then Jacob got to hold them. After that the nurse took the children to be cleaned up. Jacob was proud of me for dealing with the pain. He told me that he loved me and gave me a kiss on the forehead and I blushed and smiled. Then I told him I loved him to.

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