Synopsis: Naofumi Iwantani finds himself in another world with The Shield on him. Where he begins his new life has a chef and a merchant in this world. Along the way he interacts with girl named Catarina Class who she tries to prevent her own doomed flag as a villainess and to enjoy and find happiness along the way. What interaction will bring with a otherworlder and a reincarnation in this journey of romantic comedy.
Naofumi Iwantani x Catarina Class
(note: No such event will ever happened to Naofumi he will be same guy before he summoned and betrayed just like his Reprise role self.)
Isekai Quartet crossovers ideas challenges and adoption
General FictionIsekai Quartet will be featuring Saga of Tanya the Evil, Overlord, Re:Zero, Konosuba, Rising of the Shield Hero and Cautious Hero: The Hero is Overpowered but Overly Cautious. Rated T or M