Synopsis: Naofumi Iwantani a simple otaku and the commander of the one of faction in Azur Lane, Sakura Empire. During the time one of shipsgirls have shown their commander a book about the Four Cardinal Weapons suddenly the entire headquarters of Sakura Empire has been transported to another world and the commander of Sakura Empire has one of Cardinal weapon the Shield. Naofumi and the shipsgirls will do what they do best fight and protect the innocent.
Naofumi x Harem
Isekai Quartet crossovers ideas challenges and adoption
Fiksi UmumIsekai Quartet will be featuring Saga of Tanya the Evil, Overlord, Re:Zero, Konosuba, Rising of the Shield Hero and Cautious Hero: The Hero is Overpowered but Overly Cautious. Rated T or M