Infinite Chase: Prologue

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Hey guys! Just because I'm starting this new story doesn't mean I've completely given up on Their Secret, Now Ours. =)  I honestly appreciate all of the comments, votes, and fans the story has gotten up till now but I felt like beginning a new story in hopes of it being more of a success and bringing in more people to read Their Secret, Now Ours. ^_^ 

I'm just hoping though =3 So PLEASE PLEASE if you DO read and enjoy it, comment, vote, and maybe FAN? @_@ and if you REALLY like it and are new to my work, try reading my other story? =)

 I have a lot of twists and turns for this story and I really do think it'll go far so comments and votes will definitely motivate me ^_^

Dedicated to Purplepaint12 for being my very first fan ^_^

Enough of my babbling!~ Enjoy =)


Copyright  @ 2011/All Rights Reserved.



Silence, pain, darkness, and fear.

 I hear nothing.

Nothing but my heartbeat’s loud hammering against my chest.

I try to open my eyes but to no avail. I only accomplish to make them flutter slightly.

I try to force my ears to hear any other sounds besides my loud heartbeat. But I only manage to hear drops of liquid hitting cement somewhere to my right.

I try to move my body. First my right arm, left arm, and legs. Nothing. My body refuses to obey my persistent commands.

Pain. The body parts I tried moving stung. It feels like knives being rammed into every corner of my body. My head is killing me.

A wave of nausea hits me. I bit it back down for fear of drowning in my own vomit.

The musky, damp smell around me is suffocating and it seemed as if its goal was to make my lungs painfully heave harder in order to catch a whiff of normal fresh air; coming up with nothing.

I know its dark; for no bright spots illuminate behind my closed eyelids.

It’s freezing. I feel my body fully clothed yet, I can feel the cold air creep its way into my skin and making me shiver.

The hard, cold ground is making my body sting more by the second.

My ears briefly catch the screeching of what I presume to be mice off in the distance.

I knew it would turn out this way, I thought to myself. Guess I wasn’t as prepared for this as much as I thought I would be.

Everything started so long ago yet the memories of my life thus far are all crystal clear in my head.

Laying on the cold, cement ground, my mind began to wander to the very beginning; the beginning of my messed up life.

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