Chapter 3: Men in Black

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Yayy, new chappie!!<3 (I feel like i'm the only one rejoicing =_=) Anyway~ I feel this chapter turned out pretty well. Better than the other ones anyway so at least that lets readers know that it gets better! =D

Any mistakes? Feel free to point them out! =)

If you are reading this, please, por favor, s'il vous plait, てください。, 제발, per favore, COMMENT/VOTE/ OR EVEN FAN???!! =D If you do any of these I will return the favor<3

Ps: Yes, i did use Google Translator~  u_u


Copyright @2011: All rights Reserved.


Chapter 3

I was never a sports person. Yeah, I did karate but that’s about the only active thing I truly enjoyed doing. But one thing I’m truly horrible at is running. I’ve always been a slow runner, which doesn’t help me in situations like the one I’m in now. But over the years, I’ve gotten used to it.

Gasping for air, I stood between two buildings, two very moldy and rusty looking buildings. Looking a bit closer at my surroundings, it looks like an alleyway most girls my age would avoid at all costs even in broad daylight as it was now.

But, did I have choice? No. All that running from those men with the black suits and dark glasses didn’t bother me at all. Barely containing my stance with my now tired legs and smelling the rotting smell of the trash bags at the short far-end of the alleyway wasn’t bothering me at all. It just happened all the time now. It doesn’t bother me at all. Yeah right.

This is why I wore black skinnys and sneakers most of the time and always wore hoodies to provide me some cover from them; the men that are always sent out to catch me, only to return to their boss with the news of my escape. What can I say? I can be a slow runner but I’m pretty sneaky when it comes to hiding, which is a tactic I’m using at this very second.

Hearing the faint sounds of footsteps in the distance, I snuck further into the alleyway and crutched down on my knees. This was one of the worst moments. Hiding and waiting. Where they going to finally get me? Will I get away with hiding this time? Even though I stopped running already, my breathing is still ragged and I can feel the sweat from my forehead sliding down towards the crook of my nose.

Please, keep going.

The sound of the heavy footsteps rushed by and I held in my sigh of relief. I waited until the only sound I could hear was the sound of my own footsteps as I left the alleyway.


 “How many were there this time?” Rob asked looking up from the book he was reading on the armchair.

I took a seat on the bed to his right. “I’m not sure. Definitely more than last time though.”

Sighing, Rob put the book on his lap and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “They’re sending more and more with every passing chase.”

“He’s probably fed up by now.” I took a sip of the water bottle I had bought from the vending machine in the lobby. “And the more times we get away, the more determined he’ll get.”

“But still, he won’t catch us.” Rob eyed me reassuringly with his calming eyes. Those eyes that have comforted me throughout the years.

“No, he won’t.” I finally replied with a smile.

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