Chapter 2: The Unknown Story

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Hmm~ Isn't doing as well as I thought it would. Getting discouraged here >_< but oh well, might as well put up the chapters I already have written ^_^ Again, can't stress out enough how important comments and votes are to me =) Especially comments, i'm a feedback maniac XD


Copyright @ 2011/All Rights Reserved


Chapter Two

So many questions went unanswered that night. After a very long ride, we reached a small hut in California. Not that I was told we were in California. I was awake during the whole ride; reading the signs and making sure I knew exactly where we were headed. I pretended to be asleep though and I felt Rob carry me into a room and onto a very comfortable bed. I drifted into a deep sleep within seconds. It was the morning after that Rob took the liberty to finally explain what had exactly happened that night.

“It’s a pretty long story.” Rob said while placing a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me. He had directed me to sit down on a small, rounded wooden table the minute I had finished washing up. “But you still need to hear the truth.” He continued.

I could only nod.

“Do you know your grandparents opposed the idea of your parent’s marriage?”

I nodded. My mom and dad told me of their star-crossed love many times before tucking me into bed.

“Well, do you know your father was meant to marry a princess of a foreign village?” I shook my head. This, I had not heard of. “You see Princess, you grandfather had made a promise with his best friend, also a king, during his younger years. Their promise was to marry their children and unite the kingdoms. But, your father fell in love. Your grandparents were astounded when your dear father, Prince Adam, had told them of his love for Annabelle.” Rob’s wrinkles around his eyes become more apparent as he kept explaining. He was seated down yet hadn’t taken a bite of the food on his plate and instead rested his elbows on the table.

“As I’m sure you’re already aware of, your mother came from a very poor family background so your grandparents demanded their separation. But nothing could come between your parents, and they stayed strong. So after endless nagging and arguments, your grandparents admitted defeat.” Rob's eyes darted towards the food on his plate. His eyes hadn’t met mines. My plate of food also yet untouched. “The king of the foreign village was none too happy to find out his princess no longer had a fiancée. But your grandfather paid him off well. Now-”

“Rob.” I intervened; my voice coming out raspier than I meant it to. He finally looked into my eyes, giving me a questioning look. “I’m sorry, but, where are you going with all of this?”

He sighed. “Well, King Armund, of the foreign country, might’ve been bought by your grandfather but King Armund’s adopted younger brother, Prince Louis, wasn’t very pleased with the change of plans.”

Confusion began to flood my mind. “Why would this, Prince Louis, not be pleased? It had nothing to do with him, right?”

Rob gave another sigh. He does that a lot, I noted. “I’m sure Prince Louis meant for no one to know but his secret was well known amongst the people of both villages.” Rob paused and stared into my eyes. I nodded for him to continue. “He was in love with King Armund’s daughter, Princess Pandora, the princess your dad was supposed to marry.”

An expression of pure shock formed itself on my face. The story couldn’t get any more twisted. “His own niece?”

“I mentioned it before Princess; adopted younger brother. He was not her uncle by blood.”

That made it less twisted, I thought. “But he was by law.” Rob continued. “And he was furious at the heartbreak and the depression Princess Pandora went through when she found out her fiancée, whom she had been in love with for many years, had fallen in love with a commoner. He declared vengeance and promised that when the people of Havens were at their outmost vulnerability, he would strike, and that; he did.”

I couldn’t suppress the shiver that crept itself into my skin. “But, but what about King Armund? He had been fine with the change of plans hadn’t he?! How could he let this happen?!”

“Princess, please calm down, sit.” He gently pushed my shoulders down making me sit back down on the chair. I hadn’t realized I had stood. With shaking fingers, I tied my hair into a ponytail. Rob knelt down on the floor to my side. “King Armund passed away about two years ago. Prince Louis should’ve been inaugurated right then but the people of Riversdell didn’t trust him.  But, Prince Louis being the only one with the power, declared himself inaugurated, in his own mind, and began doing things his way. The people of Riversdell had no choice but to abide by his commands.”

So my people were attacked. All of my friends; had they survived?. He had found out my parents had died in that car accident and figured then was the best time to attack my people.

“…Princess? Princess!” I opened my eyes to see Rob still kneeling in front of me but now his hands grasping mines on my lap. “You’re shaking! Here, drink some of the hot tea.” He put the cup to my lips. Refreshing, warm, yet why did I still feel cold? “I know this is hard for you Princess Lena, but you must stay strong, you hear?” I nodded; looking at the ground. “Princess! Look at me.” He lifted my chin. “Now I know I’m just an old man, but I’ve seen you grow up and you’ve always been like a daughter to me, which is why I promised your father I would take care of you if anything were to happen to him.” Rob’s face was getting blurrier. Tears were forming around my eyes.

“Prince Louis and his people are after you. With you dead, the prince will be able to permanently take over Havens. Now is that what you want princess?” I shook my head vigorously. “Okay, then, I don’t know for how long we’re going to have to run for, but all I know is that you’re far too young to take matters into your own hands. But you’ll stick with me, won’t you?” He asked with a smile.

I now felt the swarm of tears falling down my face. I stood and clutched to Rob. He hugged me back. Rob was the only thing I had on my side now, besides the people of Havens that were out of my reach for now. I had to live my life running away from now on, I thought. But at least I had Rob with me.

“Rob?” I called, through muffled cries and blinding tears.

“What is it Princess?” He asked, gently patting my head.

“Call me Lena.”

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