Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Yes, I was so excited I actually had the prologue and the first chapter done for almost a whole week yet just now decided to upload it XD So again, COMMENT, VOTE, FAN?! <--- Any one of those would be highly appreciated ^_^

I have so many ideas for this story. Hopefully I find the motivation to get all of those great ideas here =3

Dedicated to BooshBaby for being the first(and so far only =_=) to dedicate a chapter to me ^_^

Enjoy!~ =D


Copyright @ 2011/All Rights Reserved.


Chapter 1

I used to have an amazing life. I wouldn’t have changed anything about it. It was a normal life. Well, normal for me anyway. Not so much for outside onlookers.

My days worked in sequence. I had packed schedules every single day. Piano lessons, violin lessons, vocal lessons, dance lessons, acting lessons, and a ton of language lessons. To my unending nagging, karate lessons were added to my schedule as well.

Most people would’ve found my hectic schedule unbearably tiring. But, I didn’t see it that way.  I adored my parents and taking all of those lessons was a small favor I could do for them in return for everything they did for me.

I had my occasional whining, but I was only a child back then and my parents always knew how to make me look at the lessons in a positive light. Saying how they’ll make me an amazing and multi-skilled person in the future. Making them proud was a big goal to me back then.

I loved my parents. We never got to spend time together, but when we did, it were the best moments of my life.

My parents weren’t normal people you see; they were the King and Queen of Havens, a small, secluded, unknown village south of the Netherlands. English was the primary spoken language amongst the people.  

I was a princess. Well, I still am. But I actually had a princess life back then. Now, well, now it’s the complete opposite.

We were pretty much known, and worshipped, only by the small village of Havens. Unlike the secluded princesses of fairy tales, I was allowed to roam the village and get acquainted with the people of Havens. Amongst them, I was treated like a princess but also, like I belonged to their families. I played with the kids and they treated me normally, like I was one of them. I loved Haven’s kind and honest people. I was so looking forward to ruling them one day.

“You will definitely surpass me as queen one day Lena.” My mother constantly said with a big smile on her face.  I promised myself I would; to make her, and dad, proud.

It was at the age of twelve that my life was turned upside down. It came like an unwarned tornado aiming to wreck everything in it’s path. But in my case, aiming to ruin my perfectly balanced life.

It was a cold, star-filled night. My parents were to attend a Ball that a million celebrities, along with other Kings and Queens around the world were attending.  

I was sitting with my legs crossed on my parent’s humongous bed watching my mom getting ready for the ball.

She turned from the gold, full length mirror, “Ok, how do I look Lena?”

I studied her. “You look amazing mom. You’re going to be the prettiest one there.”

I didn’t doubt she would. With her long, tight-fitted blood red dress that stuck to her curvy body like gum, and her pinned up wavy, auburn hair with a diamond butterfly broach, she would definitely break some necks.  Not only that, but my mother had a face most woman of forty-one would kill for. Her straight pointed nose, full lips, and her bright blue eyes with her perfectly trimmed eyebrows fit together perfectly along with her amazing cheek-boned face. And it was all natural. Thankfully she passed on all her amazing assets onto me, except for her auburn hair and blue eyes. My father passed on his black hair and cat like green eyes to me. At least my hair was wavy like my mom’s; my dad had crazy curly hair that I would be fine without.

I felt the spot next to me on the bed sink and smelled the elegant smell of my dad’s cologne.

“You look wonderful honey, as always.” He said with a playful wink. King or not, my father never let the stress get to him. He was all smiles and jokes.

My mother finished clasping her left earring and turned to kiss my dad on the lips. “Thanks Hon, that’s one of the best tuxedos you’ve ever worn.”

“Yeah, dad, the one you wore last time was a little too baggy.”

“Hey kiddo! You said I looked great!”

“Yeah, but I just didn’t want you to feel bad.” I gave him my puppy dog look.

“Aww, well, thanks for taking care of my feelings.” He gave me a kiss on the forehead. My dad was such a softy. That was one of the many things I loved most about him.

“Okay children.” My mom intervened. My dad gave a mockingly shocked expression. “Time to head out. Lena, try to stay in your room, and call for any of the servants if you need anything alright?”

“Okay mom, have a good time.” I got up from the bed and gave both my dad and mom a big hug and kiss on the cheek. “Be good Kiddo.” My dad reminded me.

“Sure, dad”

And then they left. I remember watching them leave off in the limo from my bedroom’s balcony. I remember sitting down on my bed feeling strange in my huge, yet eerie quiet room and begin to read a book.

Then, I vividly remember watching as a big number of the servants came rushing to my room after about an hour.

“Princess! The Queen! The King! They were in a car accident! They found their bodies, Oh Princess, I am so sorry!” The older of the female servants cried hysterically. I just sat there, on my bed with big owl-like eyes feeling the wind being sucked out of my lungs. I clutched the book on my hands in fear of completely giving into the black spots forming themselves in my sigh of vision.

Then there was an explosion; somewhere outside. Reluctantly, I turned my head to the right and looked out of my balcony to see houses indulged in fire and black smoke. Then another one, and another one; one explosion after another.

“Princess, we need to leave.” I heard a male voice say from my left. I turned my head towards him. The voice came from my dad’s personal servant that stuck to his side like glue.

My voice came out husky and barely above a whisper. “Rob?”

Screams were heard from the distance; the people of Havens. What was happening?

“What’s going on?!” I screeched, rising from my bed.

Rob wasn’t a young man. He was in his forties. Black slicked back hair, wrinkles forming around his small dark brown eyes. He rushed towards me before I could even take a step from the bed. He took me by my elbow. “This way.”

He howled me to the other side of my room, away from the balcony and the intimidating smoke that seemed to hover over the whole village, only a couple of feet from the mansion. He pushed the vanity my dad had installed in my room to the side to reveal a door. He took out a key. Behind the door was darkness, with stairs heading down to nowhere. “C’mon, we have to go! Now!”

“But, why?” I whispered. Turning back and glancing towards the servants in the room, I was taken aback by their expressions.

“Princess, I’ll tell you later, now come!” He took my elbow, again. And then we were heading down the stairs, going through endless tunnels until coming up on the middle of nowhere, a car waiting for us. Before I knew it, we were heading out of Havens, out of the Netherlands, to god knows where.  I couldn’t ask Rob where we were heading. I just sat in the backseat with him to my side and a stranger in the front seat driving us to an unknown destination. I sat there, shaking, trying to organize the events that had just taken place.  

My parents were dead; my beautiful mother, my playful and handsome father. I would never see them again.  

Havens, our village; indulged in smoke and screams, heard all the way from the top of our mansion. My home, the servants, their expressions. The look of the lambs who had admitted defeat.

 I was cold, and it wasn’t because I was only wearing my tank top and flannel pajamas but, because suddenly my mind was frozen, and so was my heart.

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