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Steelfrost heard noises from the other side of her door, then the quarters door opened. Smokescreen stood there.

"It's time" he looked at her with a sadden expression.

She got up walking beside Smokescreen's side. Her friends looked at her , she nodded at them. Ratchet activated the bridge , and Steelfrost was the last to leave before she walked through she looked at Ratchet .

"Optimus spoke to me about taking Megatron alive. He will do everything in his spark to do it" he paused "I can assure you"

Steelfrost walked through the bridge and on the other side The Nemesis. Smokescreen had waited for her and they ran to a outside part of the ship. All of the sudden Strong servos grabbed her and tried to yank her back. When she noticed it was vehicon troops, she yanked them with her. They tumbled and Steelfrost felt the ground fall from under her and fell over the edge. Her servos held onto the edge, and she struggled to pull herself up. When she got over, again troops grabbed her and struggled to control. Steelfrost looked at her Friends they were either fighting against someone or in a troop's grasp, except Optimus. She looked around for the prime. Him and Megatron fighting she then struggled again.

"Let ms go!" She screamed out !

Out of the corner of her optics , she could she bumbleebee; he was running; with the starsaber. Jumping to assist prime , Megatron aimed at him.

"NO! Megatron don't" she screamed just as he shot. "BUMBLEBEE!"

She cried when the shots hit him , and he slowly fell down. Megatron glanced at her before looking back at prime. Optimus let out a roar of anger and sadness as she began to punch Megatron over and over.

"Stop!" She screamed again.

There was nothing that could be done , Steelfrost shook the grip of the troops before stabbing both. Jumping down to where Megatron and Optimus battled. A purple blast hit prime sending him over the edge. Steelfrost ran as fast as she could to aid him. But who really? Megatron or Optimus?


He turned to see who had yelled at him. All at once Steelfrost screamed in pain and tumbled over. Struggling to get up she began to cry when bumblebee stood in front of Megatron he had stabbed him. Steelfrost got up and ran through the pain.


She barely reached him before he fell. Her servo grazed his as she reached over trying save him. She almost fell over the edge but someone grabbed her. Tears fell down with him as he plumited to earth. Optimus had been the one who grabbed her as he carried her close to his chasiss.

'No' was all she could say. She couldn't even cry anymore. The pain from the seperation of the spark bond was like being ripped into two.

"This isn't real" she cried.

Holding her chasiss , her spark seemed to slow . Slower , slower and slower till....darkness consumed her sealing her in a black void.

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